What to give a girl on a date. What to give a girl on a second date? Flowers are a must

In general, everything is clear - they usually give flowers, - then with a second date, some newly-appeared lovers have a “plug”.

We will help them to resolve all their doubts by telling what to do to a girl on a second date and what can be given to a girl on a second date, except for flowers.

There can be two options preceding the second date: careful preparation with a bunch of thoughtful little things or spontaneous confusion, the outcome of which even Pavel Globa cannot predict.

For the second option, no preparatory actions are required from you. It is enough to stupidly come to the right place at the appointed time and rely on your natural ability to improvise.

We do not consider this option in detail, since the result of such dates is characterized as “50/50”.

In half of the cases, a girl can be disappointed even without explaining the reasons for further communication, if the “entertainment” offered by you turns out to be excessively extravagant for her.

About the same chance that she was imbued with your wild ideas regarding free time and - it is not clear why - would recognize you as "her boyfriend" with all the ensuing consequences.

Therefore, everything is in your power.

If the second option is to your liking, feel free to turn off your laptop and slap it in anticipation of a miracle ...

Those who wish to slightly adjust the fifty / fifty ratio in their favor should at least briefly familiarize themselves with the following recommendations on what to give a girl on a second date (except for flowers, of course).

To begin with, let's figure out how the second date differs from the first, and why it is desirable not to screw up on the second date ...

Second date

If this article is for you, then you have overcome the first - the most difficult - stage.

You managed to have a casual conversation on your first date, wander the evening streets, exchange email addresses, nicknames on social networks, and other clues cementing friendly ties, and even agree on a next meeting that will be pleasant for both ...

A second date means about as much to a girl as the first.

Being under the first date, the girl will wonder what awaits her on a second date.

Photo 1. Boredom is the worst enemy of any date

Even if she does not explicitly tell you that she is waiting for some next surprise, be sure that deep down she is only thinking about it.

She subconsciously needs to make sure that the pompous situation that you arranged for her on the first date is not an accident, not a window dressing, but something regular, repeating, something that is inherent in you.

Therefore, the second date in the plan should not be inferior to the first date.

At the same time, in the realization of certain fantasies on a second date, you can be clearly bolder, and this will be perceived by the girl quite naturally.

The only requirement is not to overdo it with surprises. Everything should not look natural, but - most importantly - sincerely.

You should not think that a girl is only waiting for expensive gifts from you when you barely know each other.

An overly expensive gift may push her away from you, as she will feel undue pressure from you.

If you are her, she will date you without any gifts.

But remember: they can start "right on the doorstep." Therefore, excessive stinginess and pettiness can play a bad joke on you.

Try not to be known in her eyes as a miser and miser (as, indeed, a spender or show-off). Everything needs balance.

What gift to give a girl on a second date

Enough introductions. Many by this time could have had a doubt, but is it worth it to give a girl anything on a second date? And if so, what could actually be given to a girl as a gift, having met her for the second time?

. Flowers

To give or not to give flowers on a date depends on the purpose of your second meeting.

If you have agreed that you will go together to a water park or to a dance party, then it is hardly worth giving flowers, since it will be very inconvenient for a girl to move around with them - even if it is just one classic rose.

If suddenly after the first date she visits you, it will be very appropriate to take a bunch of flowers with her, as she will have where to put it, and she will avoid awkward situations.

If you are already giving flowers on a second date, then it is better to opt for roses (almost everyone loves them), but not in rich burgundy tones, but in lighter ones with neat buds just starting to bloom.

Well, if the second bouquet will contrast sharply with the first. You haven't forgotten that surprises have a magical effect on girls...

. Stuffed Toys

Toys on a second date - if it accidentally did not coincide with the girl's birthday or some other celebration - it is not customary to give.

Photo 2. Originality is the main criterion for choosing a gift for a girl on a second date

But if this toy can fit in a girl’s hand or her purse (a small fluffy kitten or some other cute animal) and looks more like a souvenir, then it’s completely possible to give it as if by chance.

Such gifts do not oblige to anything, and therefore are accepted by girls willingly, which contributes to the manifestation of positive emotions on both sides.

It’s good if the toy is not just funny, but also able to make a girl smile or even laugh because of a cool shape or initially subtext.

It is important, however, that it does not look like a Chinese "cheap" bought at the nearest stall selling consumer goods.

Girls do not like it when they are obviously saving on them.

. Sweet faces

What is usually not a problem in terms of giving is sweets.

Many girls (including professional athletes and dieting gymnasts-ballerinas) love something sweet, if it is presented beautifully and appropriately.

One candy will certainly not hurt their gorgeous figure ...

So here your imagination should not be limited by anything.

The main thing to remember is that your gift should not cause inconvenience to the girl while you are chatting.

Therefore, do not give her a tea set or a healthy teddy bear, which she will not know where to shove while you are "cutely" walking along the park paths.

Everything else is a gift.

It is better for a girl to give something over than not to give it too little. Or do you disagree?

Let's hope that now you know exactly what to give a girl on a second date, and your second date will go off with a bang. Good luck!

You are going to first date with a girl and think about how she will like it. And I decided to give her a gift. It seems to you that having received a gift, the girl will be extremely pleased, and you will give her even more.

I hasten to disappoint you - in most cases this is not the case. Since this article is about gifts, then I will still tell you what to do and in what situation. But for now I want to conduct a small educational program about who shouldn't give gifts.

Imagine this situation: you, and, most likely, she hooked you only with her appearance. For now. Because you don't know anything about her yet. You don’t know how smart she is, how interesting it is to communicate with her, about her various qualities. And, often, with her on the first or first two dates, you come to the conclusion that yes, she is a beautiful girl, but nothing more. It is not comfortable to communicate with her, she constantly builds something out of herself, behaves unnaturally and makes unreasonable demands on men.

And if you come to a meeting with such a girl with a gift, you will only make it worse for yourself. Because a gift in a situation where you don’t know a girl yet is a simpleton. You initially put yourself below her and try to please her in this way. Suck up, in other words. From that moment on, you will be absolutely uninteresting to her.

Initially, the girl wants to see in you a person who is strong in every sense. A successful guy already has several admirers by default, craving his company. Now think about whether such a guy needs to give something, especially to an unfamiliar girl on a first date. That's it.

And now for the good. Not all girls are bitches. There are enough good cute girls out there who would appreciate a little cute gift.

If you met a girl, and from the very first seconds you feel comfortable with her, do not strain, and do not try to portray yourself as someone who you are not, this is the case.

It is not necessary to make some expensive meaningful gifts at the first meeting..

What can you give a girl on a first date?

Flowers- which flowers? Don't buy a meter-long rose in a package, but rather give a bouquet of cute wild flowers or something like that.

Sweets– You can buy delicious chocolate, sweets and share with a friend.

And finally very cool feature that I recently tried:

You take a backpack with you, put a thermos with delicious hot tea and disposable cups in it. And you go for a walk with the girl in the park or some place where you can sit down. You give her tea. Your friend will be very pleased, and she will appreciate such originality. Good luck!

Hi, friend! In this article, you will learn what to give a girl on a first date. At the end of the article, I have prepared a very interesting video for you, where the girl answers this question in detail. If you don't like to read articles, or you don't have much time, then you can go straight to watching the video, because I will write about the same thing that she says.

As a child, my mother told many guys that girls need to be looked after and sought after. And on the first date, you must definitely come with flowers, and even with a gift. Girls like flowers and expensive gifts. Have you heard about it from your parents? Perhaps you heard such words on TV, or did your sister or neighbor say them to you?

If you now open any article on the Internet on this topic, you can read something like this: "Give her a toy, flowers, a ring, a sweet and tender Raffaello, or a golden bracelet". Do you know why it says that? Yes, because this article was written, most likely, by a girl who breeds guys for money.

But, if you look around, for some reason the girls meet not with those guys who take them to expensive restaurants, but with those who invest in the girl less than she does in them.

If you directly answer the question of what to give a girl on a first date, then my answer is nothing. You really don't need to give her anything. And now I will explain why I think so.

When a guy buys a gift for a date, he thus wants to please her. He thinks, "I will please her and thus make a good impression on her." But in reality it turns out quite differently. When you give her a gift, it looks like you're trying to win her over. You are already showing that you are ready to invest in her more than she is in you. And you've already lost.

You can give a gift to a girl only when you already have sex and a relationship. And you will do this not because you want to impress her, but because you want to. This is the best gift ever.

If you think that in order to please a girl, you need to show her how much money you have, then this is not so. You can read an article about this: “You pay for a girl, but she does not give you! But why? ". There I wrote everything in great detail, in which cases it is possible to pay for a girl, and in which not.

And if you are going on a date, then I advise you to read the article how to have a first date with a girl, and also where to invite a girl on a first date. If you put these tips into practice, then the girl herself will call you after the first date and without a gift.

And now watch a very interesting video about what to give a girl on a first date.

The beginning of a new romantic relationship is a magical time. How much trembling hearts in love are delivered by unexpected calls from the chosen one and mutual courtship! So, the meeting with the “same one” has already been scheduled, it remains only to prepare. Let's try to figure it out, on a first date, and is a present appropriate for such an occasion?

Rules for the perfect gift

Many modern girls argue that gifts are not the main thing in a love relationship. And yet, about 90% of young ladies sincerely rejoice at every souvenir and flower presented to their loved ones without much reason. And this means that gifts on dates can and should be given. What to choose for the very first and romantic meeting? Rule one - do not buy anything expensive. Such a present will at least embarrass the girl. An alternative option is also possible - the chosen one will fall in love with the money of her fan, and not with his personal qualities. When thinking about what to give a girl on a first date, you should focus on the chosen pastime option.

If you decide to go to some institution or just take a walk, the gift should be compact. You can choose something bulky or heavy only on the condition that the young man plans to take his companion home in his car. And the third rule for choosing a gift - give up too personal things. We are talking about symbols of love (hearts, images of couples in love), underwear, cosmetics and perfumes. You can give such things only when you are in a relationship with a girl. At the first meeting, they are inappropriate.

What bouquet to give a girl on a first date: the secrets of choosing flowers

One of the most popular gift options for women for no reason is flowers. It is appropriate to come to the first romantic meeting even with one rose without packaging. A great option for guys who are afraid to seem banal is a small original bouquet. What flowers to give a girl on a first date to really surprise her? Choose gerberas, chrysanthemums or orchids. A great option and seasonal flowers: lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, tulips. You can impress a girl by buying her a bouquet "spontaneously" during a walk. Do not be too lazy to ask before that what kind of flowers she likes. Are you planning a long walk and are afraid that the bouquet will wither? Choose floral arrangements assembled on special base sponges. And yet, in some cases, freshly cut flowers are not the best gift idea. In the cold season or in bad weather, it is better to choose something else.

Sweet present

It is difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who would not like sweets. Chocolate or a set of sweets is a universal gift. Confectionery shops also sell very original sweet souvenirs. These are chocolate figures, gingerbread houses, cakes with wishes and much more. What can you give a girl on a first date to cheer her up? An original souvenir - multi-colored sweets stylized as pills. The names usually for such “drugs” are appropriate: “For a good mood”, “For sadness” or “Pills of happiness”. Surprise any girl and fortune cookies or personalized chocolate.

Souvenir for memory

Don't know what to give a girl on a first date? Go to any major gift shop! A keychain, a cute figurine, a miniature soft toy - all these are great options for a present without a reason. You can also choose a frame for a photo or some jewelry if you are sure that you are well versed in the tastes of your chosen one. Idea for travelers - bring a gift from a trip. This option is appropriate if you like the girl for a long time, and only now you decided to invite her on a date. A souvenir from another country should be truly original, a simple magnet with the name of the city will not work. Choose handicrafts from local artisans.

The book is the best gift

Reading is very fashionable these days. You can make a good impression on the lady of the heart by giving her a real paper book. Don't know the girl's favorite authors? This is not a problem - choose a collection of romantic poetry. A good option is a book with wise quotes and aphorisms. In modern bookstores you can also find special gift editions. These gift books contain wishes and beautiful photographs. What to give a girl on a first date if you are not sure that she likes to read?

For a perfect paper diary or a beautiful postcard. If you choose the second option, be respectful. The card should be beautiful, and its content should be neutral and modest. The most frank confession of the first joint evening may be the phrase: "I like you." Postcards with philosophical or neutral covers are also appropriate for such a case. Write a couple of lines inside, do not forget to thank for the meeting and pleasant communication.

Choosing a personalized gift

When purchasing a gift, we always think about the person for whom it is intended. If you have been talking with the girl you want to please for a while, you can choose something special for her. Try to understand what interests her the most. For example, if you know that she is studying or working in the office, you can safely give stationery. Of course, they must be beautiful and original. Give your chosen one a rare disc with a movie or music if she said that she has been looking for something specific for a long time.

It is not difficult to choose a gift for a collector girl. Try to learn enough about her collection and the principles for selecting new exhibits. In our age of high technology, an actual gift is something from gadgets. What is better to give a girl on a first date from technical innovations? Choose something simple and inexpensive. A memory card or headphones made in the original design is perfect. Knowing the brand and model of the smartphone of the girl of your dreams, you can please her with accessories for this gadget.

Before the first date, every man is a little nervous. There are a lot of questions. What to talk about with a girl? Where to take her? How to behave so that the first meeting does not become the only one?

Of course, all gentlemen want to fill the beginning of a relationship with something romantic, unusual and unforgettable. Therefore, a gift for a girl on a first date plays an important role.

  • Firstly, a gift that is too expensive can offend a girl who is in a serious relationship with a man. Expensive thing will cause distrust. By the way, if the reaction is the opposite, then this is the first indicator of the lady's monetary priorities. No money, no relationship. Therefore, the gift should not be binding.
  • Secondly, when choosing a gift for a first date, you need to rely on the little information that is known about the girl. For example, what she reads, what she likes to watch, what her hobby is, what kind of music she prefers. After all, the acquaintance somehow happened, so something is known about her.
  • Thirdly, the gift can be creative and not necessarily material. However, if a trip to the mountains is supposed as a surprise, then do not forget to warn the girl in advance about the appropriate clothing. Otherwise, you will have to forget about romance - an elegant dress is not suitable for the mountains.

13 Small Gift Ideas for a First Date

It is important to remember that the first meeting is only the beginning of a future relationship, so to speak, laying the foundation. So the main goal is to give impetus to the development of events. Excessive spending of money is unreasonable, but it is impossible to come without a gift.

Flowers are always appropriate. However, even this classic option requires an approach. When going to a restaurant or other place where they will provide a vase of water, it is permissible to surprise a girl with a luxurious bouquet.

With a long walk, such a gift is unacceptable - by the end of the meeting, the flowers will fade.

With other options, it is better to choose a not very large bouquet of those flowers with which the gentleman associates his lady. For example, from delicate roses, tulips, daisies or some other plants. You can limit yourself to one flower.

It is quite acceptable to replace flowers with a soft toy. In the soul of every woman there is a place for a little girl who loves cubs, hares, kittens and other representatives of the ivy fauna. The choice of this gift must be approached carefully.

The toy should not be big, make loud sharp sounds, so as not to scare and sing love songs - this is superfluous on a first date. Too childish - it will touch the remnants of youthful maximalism in a young lady, too simple - it will look trite.

Candy-bouquet period. This is the name of the initial phase of a love relationship. Therefore, sweets are what you need.

Girls love sweets and this fact is well known. However, it should not be just sweets, but high-quality chocolate products. Pay attention to the famous confectionery factories - Ferrero Rocher, Raffaello, Korkunov. Candies of these manufacturers are not only tasty, but also beautifully packaged.

Surprise your friend with a delicious gift.

4. Keychain in the shape of a heart

Key chains are related to symbolic gifts. The property of symbolism, including love, is special - to leave a trace, to create an aura, one might say, to show significance at the psychological level.

A keychain in the shape of a heart will emphasize the feelings of the giver. Two hearts - hint about the meeting of two halves. Funny keychain "Kisses" - will make it clear about the innocent desire of a young man to kiss his girlfriend.

Presentation of a gift can be preceded by a prepared "speech" that reveals the feelings of the gentleman.

5. Thermometer of love "Hot heart"

It's funny to give a thermometer that measures love, or the temperature of the heart - the "Hot Heart" thermometer. Its owner easily recognizes the depth of sympathy for her admirer and the magnitude of his affection for her.

It is enough to hold the device in your hands and the liquid in it will react to heat. Heating the filling leads to a stunning effect - the heart inside the flask gushing bright scarlet. The degree of heating affects the strength of the jet. The hotter the feeling, the higher the body temperature.

Candy compositions at the peak of popularity. They combine two gifts at once - flowers and sweets. In addition to beauty, this gift is tasty, original and non-binding. Just a non-standard sign of attention.

For the first meeting, you should choose a small bouquet. However, sweets should be well-known brands - "Red October", "Miesko", "Korkunov" and others. A girl with taste will appreciate the non-trivial thinking of her boyfriend.

7. A box of fortune cookies

Fortune cookies are a cute, sweet souvenir that is quite appropriate for the first meeting with a girl. A small box filled with delicious cookies, and inside each one is a prediction or a wish, which is sure to be fun.

A couple can enjoy this treat while walking in the park or sitting in a cafe and have fun from the heart, reading predictions.

By the way, this gift can be made to order, then the design of the box, its filling, the text inside the baking - the whole set can be completely individual.

In honor of the first date, you can give the lady of the heart a card, but not simple, but chocolate. You can choose white Belgian chocolate with a delicate smell and unusual taste, on which a drawing or an inscription is applied.

It will turn out fun and unexpected. The gentleman will immediately appear in the eyes of the girl as an extraordinary person, able to pleasantly surprise.

9. Balloon heart

An air gift is a win-win gift option that has a lot of variations.

It can be a large balloon decorated with hearts or a transparent balloon filled with small hearts.

The girl will not remain indifferent. From the first minutes of the meeting, the good mood of the companion is ensured.

The book, as a gift, is beyond competition for a friend who loves reading. Only on the first date, the book presented as a gift should not be large, a pocket version of the gift type is recommended.

Ideally, if the lady's hobby is known, then there will be no problems with choosing a book.

You can present the book of your favorite author and briefly outline its content. Will be a topic of conversation on the next date.

A short boat trip along the river is the perfect choice for a first meeting. A romantic nature will gladly accept a warm day, gentle sun, vast expanse of water and the attention of a gentleman as a gift.

In addition, there will be an opportunity to communicate in a pleasant environment, to learn about each other as much as possible.

12. Visit the planetarium

A date under the stars is the dream of every girl. Who said that the stars are not visible in the city?

You can give an unforgettable firework of emotions on the first date if you spend it in the planetarium. The scale of the universe overshadows all problems. Contemplation of distant planets, mysterious constellations, the Milky Way supersedes all ordinary thoughts.

It remains pure romance.

13. Tour of the theater

You can start a date quite normally and even corny. Coordinate with a girl or independently choose some musical or comedy.

Watch the play. And when the curtain falls, you can invite the girl to the second part of the date - to a place usually hidden from the eyes of the audience.