Loss of sensitivity. Causes of nipple sensitivity in women How to restore sensitivity in a woman

Reproductive and mental health of a woman largely depends on the organization of sexual life. Very often, patients, especially at an older age, complain that the vagina has become insensitive. If earlier a few touches were enough for strong excitement, now even a full-fledged sexual intercourse is not a pleasure.

Some women suffer from this problem from the very beginning of their sexual life. According to statistics, less than half of all women on the planet have regular orgasms. Consider why there is no sensitivity in the vagina and how to restore the sensitivity of the vagina.

First of all, it is worth understanding that a woman's vagina, by definition, does not have special sensitivity. There are practically no nerve endings inside the vagina, the orgasm that a woman receives is associated with stimulation of the vestibule of the vagina, clitoris, as well as other erogenous zones.

There is an opinion that very sensitive points A and are located in the vagina. These are peculiar bundles of nerve endings that are located on the front side of the vagina. When stimulated, a woman gets a strong sexual pleasure. On this, perhaps, the sensitivity of the vagina is limited.

If there were many nerve endings inside the vaginal opening, natural childbirth would be impossible, because if such a sensitive area was injured, the woman would receive a painful shock.

Since the vagina is insensitive, in order to get an orgasm, a woman must first be very excited and also stimulate the erogenous zones. So, if sexual intercourse begins immediately, then the woman most likely will not receive any pleasure, precisely because the vagina is insensitive, and the main erogenous zones have not been affected.

The reasons

It happens that a woman had an excellent relationship with her husband for many years, was perfectly aroused and often had an orgasm, but suddenly everything changed. Sensitivity during sex may disappear for the following reasons:

  • due to natural childbirth;
  • neurological diseases;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • due to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • against the background of hormonal failure and menopause;
  • during pregnancy;
  • rare sex life;
  • due to fatigue, constant stress;
  • bad relationship with a partner.

All the above reasons can be divided into physiological, associated with diseases and changes that have developed in the body, as well as psychological. Let's consider them in more detail.


Why did the sensitivity of the vagina disappear after childbirth or during pregnancy? During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, hormonal changes are the cause of dryness and insensitivity of the vagina.

The body of a woman at this time does everything so that the child survives, receives normal nutrition and develops. It is logical that at this time the body does not need to engage in procreation, because first you need to feed the current offspring.

Of course, the body perceives this a little differently, under the influence of pregnancy and lactation, the hormonal background changes greatly in the body. This is a consequence of changes in the sensitivity of the genital organs.

It is important to note that if suddenly during pregnancy the labia became insensitive, numb, then this situation requires urgent medical attention. Such symptoms may indicate a violation of blood circulation or innervation, which can be very dangerous for the expectant mother.

Immediately after childbirth, the lack of sensitivity is the norm, usually everything returns to normal after the mucosa is completely restored. During delivery, the vagina is severely injured, abrasions and tears appear. These injuries are the cause of discomfort, dryness and lack of sensitivity during sex.


An insensitive vagina can be the result of inflammatory diseases, especially of a chronic nature, in the vagina. If acute infections are manifested by itching, swelling, profuse discharge with an unpleasant odor, then a chronic disease can be very secretive.

In this case, the discharge is quite scarce and the woman may not pay attention to them. But against the background of the inflammatory process, the vaginal mucosa changes, dysbacteriosis is observed in it. As a result, the mucous membrane dries up and the sensitivity of the genital organs is greatly reduced.

The only way to return sensitivity to the vagina in this case is to undergo a full course of treatment and get rid of the inflammatory disease. Then the microflora will be restored, the vagina will become wet again, and sex will be sensitive.


There are several periods in a woman's life when natural hormonal changes occur that cause vaginal numbness. These are puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Hormonal disruptions are also possible at normal times.

Very often, problems with vaginal sensitivity occur during the period when a woman enters menopause. At this time, the reproductive system is inhibited in the body, the production of sex hormones is greatly reduced.

Estrogens, the deficiency of which is observed during menopause, affect the hydration of the vagina and the elasticity of the mucosa. Naturally, the lack of such hormones makes sex insensitive. To normalize your sex life, you can ask your doctor to pick up hormone replacement therapy drugs.

If there are no contraindications, the doctor will prescribe treatment and the symptoms of menopause, including an insensitive vagina, will no longer disturb the woman. It is also possible to use hormonal gels and moisturizing vaginal lubricants to improve the sensations during intercourse and make the vagina more sensitive.

If a young woman suddenly has such unpleasant symptoms as dryness and burning in the vagina, the quality of her hair, nails and skin has changed, her weight has jumped and dropped sharply, then it is quite possible that a hormonal failure has occurred. In this case, you need to take tests for hormones and undergo a course of therapy.


If a woman not only lost sensitivity during sex, but she does not feel anything at all when touched in the perineum, then you should consult a doctor. A complete lack of sensation in the groin may indicate a serious neurological disorder.

Numbness in the groin can be the result of an injury. For example, if a woman fell or hit her tailbone. Also, the pathology can be associated with traumatic childbirth, improper surgical intervention. Also, the cause may be an intervertebral hernia or neoplasm.

The reason for the lack of sensitivity may be a violation of blood circulation. If a woman sits all the time, moves very little, does not play sports, then stagnant processes occur in the small pelvis. As a result, a very dangerous disease, thrombosis, can develop.


The sensitivity of a woman during sex largely depends on her psychological mood, the desire to have sexual relations at the moment. So, if a woman is tired, her thoughts are busy with something else, then the insensitivity of the vagina is completely understandable.

To restore the sensitivity of the vagina in this case, you need to relax as much as possible, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. To do this, you can arrange a romantic dinner, go to a bar or restaurant, or just spend the evening watching a romantic movie.

Not the last role is played by the attitude of a woman to a partner. It happens that spouses lose passion for each other, as a result, a woman cannot get excited and enjoy. In this case, you need to reconsider your relationship, pay more attention to each other.

If you are interested in how to develop vaginal sensitivity, you should think about how liberated sex a woman has. If sexual intercourse is limited to one vaginal penetration, then the lack of orgasm is quite understandable.

In this case, experts recommend diversifying your sex life. You can add oral sex, petting, try new positions. It is very important to devote enough time to foreplay and clitoral stimulation so that the vagina is sufficiently moistened.

Many women resent the lack of a vaginal orgasm without clitoral stimulation. According to statistics, very few women actually experience a vaginal orgasm, because the nature of the vagina is such that there are a small number of nerve endings in it. Therefore, you should not go in cycles in one erogenous zone. To get pleasure, you need to try to stimulate all the points on the body that respond with pleasant sensations.

Many women are concerned about how to increase the sensitivity of the vagina and make the sensations more vivid. To do this, try following these tips:

  • It is necessary to go to the gynecologist, take tests, undergo an examination to make sure that there is no inflammatory disease. If a pathology is detected, you first need to be completely cured.
  • Establish relationships with a partner, talk frankly with him about your desires and feelings. Often men are not good enough in bed because they cannot guess what a woman wants. A simple conversation will fix everything.
  • If the vagina is not moist enough, you can use lubricants. Such gels moisturize the mucous well and help make sex more sensual.
  • If your vagina is wet but you want a thrill, you can try a stimulating lubricant. Such a gel will slightly pinch and warm, increasing arousal.
  • Before vaginal penetration, you must be well aroused, so you should not avoid foreplay. If a woman is hard to get aroused, she might try reading an erotic novel or watching an erotic video before sex.
  • You can make the vagina more sensitive by using sex toys. For example, a butt plug will help tighten the vagina and increase sensation for both the woman and the partner.

In older women, the lack of sensation is often associated with a decrease in pelvic floor tone. In this case, Kegel exercises will help restore pleasant sensations. It is also not superfluous to do yoga, fitness or swimming to improve blood circulation throughout the body.

Physical activity reduces the likelihood of inflammatory diseases, makes the body fit and sexy, which increases self-confidence. In addition, exercise improves blood flow to the genitals, and hence their sensitivity during sex.

The sensitivity of the chest manifests itself in the form of mild or severe pain that occurs on palpation, wearing underwear and clothes, with active movements or exercise, while running or walking fast.

Breast tenderness in some cases may be temporary, manifesting itself at certain periods of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of natural hormonal changes, but sometimes it is a symptom of the disease.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of breast sensitivity after studying the results of examinations and anamnesis. But first, let's determine what factors can provoke this phenomenon.

Breast tenderness during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many significant changes, against which breast sensitivity develops. According to statistics, such ailments often appear already in the early stages.

The cause of breast tenderness during pregnancy is due to a change in the hormonal system. The effect is temporary, so no special measures need to be taken.

Breast tenderness during lactation

Under the influence of the hormone prolactin, active milk production occurs, which leads to swelling of the mammary glands. Quite often, during the period of feeding a child after childbirth, a woman notices an increase in the sensitivity of the breast.

This condition can persist throughout lactation, manifest itself with an excess amount of milk, after feeding or during feeding.

As a rule, the sensitivity of the breast disappears on its own after the complete completion of lactation. You need to contact a mammologist and undergo examinations if you notice that ailments persist after lactation.

Breast tenderness after surgery

If the patient underwent breast surgery (implant placement, reduction mammoplasty, gland reconstruction), most often she observes not an increase in breast sensitivity, but a temporary loss of it.

When touched, it seems to her that the skin of the chest does not feel anything at all. To a greater extent, this problem extends to the nipple-areolar complex. If the sensitivity of the breast has disappeared, there is no need to worry, because within 7-14 days after the operation it will have to recover on its own.

Breast tenderness before period

On the eve of menstruation, the body prepares for complex processes. Hormones play an important role in it, therefore, under their influence, the mammary glands swell, slightly increase in size and may seem heavy for some time.

Many women experience various uncomfortable sensations before the first days of a new menstrual cycle, and sometimes breast sensitivity appears before menstruation.

Breast tenderness during sexual arousal

Like a man's penis, women's nipples are prone to erection, which occurs with strong sexual arousal. At this point, they become more sensitive to touch and slightly painful to mechanical stress. This state is natural: it is not for nothing that sexologists consider the nipples to be one of the most sensitive erogenous zones in women.

Sensitivity of the breast with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease in which there is an overgrowth of the mammary glands. The clinical picture suggests a pronounced swelling and enlargement of the breast, the occurrence of pain and discharge from the nipples. Also, with mastopathy, there is often an increase in the sensitivity of the breast. You can't just leave the problem unattended. You will need a medical examination and treatment.

Breast tenderness in adolescence

During puberty, girls quite often complain of soreness and sensitivity of the breast, which can manifest itself at different periods of the menstrual cycle. This is a completely normal hormonal state for a teenage girl, in whose body drastic changes occur.

From the book "Thousands ... questions and answers in gynecology" (2008)

What are sexual disorders?
Sexual disorders, or sexual dysfunction, are problems associated with any phase of the sexual response to sexual intercourse that prevents a woman or couple from enjoying and satisfying sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, there are many conflicting rumors and myths about women's sexuality and their ability to get satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Women often hide their feelings in relation to sex, blame themselves and are accused by men of indifference, frigidity and other problems. However, a woman's sexual dysfunction is a problem for two, a married couple, and often has a psychological basis. Statistics show that sexual disorders occur in 31% of men and 43% of women, and are a very common problem among the adult population. According to a survey conducted in the United States in 1970, more than 50% of women cannot experience orgasm during intercourse, and 30 to 50% of men experience problems with potency. Talk about sexual issues is becoming very popular in society, which is supported by the media. Therefore, to some extent, having a personal sexologist (as well as a psychotherapist) has become fashionable in many developed countries.

What are the phases of the sexual response cycle?
There are four phases of the sexual response cycle:
- Excitation (the first level of sexual response, indicating the first signs of sexual arousal).
- Plateau (the second level of sexual response, during which physical arousal increases).
- Orgasm (menopause and release of sexual arousal).
- Permission (resolution, satisfaction).

What is libido?
Libido is the desire for sexual contact, which includes sexual fantasies and thoughts. Synonyms for libido are "desire", "sexual desire", "desire", "passion".

What types of female sexual disorders are most common?
Some of the most common sexual complaints in women are:
. reduced sexual desire, coldness, frigidity (30-40%);
. lack of pleasure and orgasm (20-40%);
. pain during intercourse, vaginismus;
. insufficient hydration of the vagina.

Sexual dysfunction often develops gradually, and depends on the sexual constitution, the personality characteristics of women and the interpersonal relationships of spouses.
What are the causes of sexual dysfunction in women?
All causes of sexual disorders in women can be divided into two main groups: psychological and physical. Psychological reasons include:
. Stress
. Irritability
. Feelings about sexual intercourse
. Relationship problems with husband or partner
. Depression
. Guilt
. Exposure to previous sexual trauma (rape, perverted sex, sexual assault)

Physical reasons include:
. Systemic diseases (diabetes, neurological disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease)
. Hormonal imbalances
. Menopause
. Alcoholism
. drug use
. The use of a number of medications (antidepressants, COCs, etc.)

What are the differences in male and female reactions to sex?
Very often, men reproach women for coldness or other sexual problems, not realizing that the sexual response in men and women can be different, despite the same phase of sexual response. Women generally go through sexual phases more slowly than men. Men can experience all four phases within 4-5 minutes. It takes a woman 10 to 20 minutes only for the first two phases to get an orgasm. Only half of women reach orgasm within 10-12 minutes. At the beginning of sexual activity, when there is sexual desire, a feeling of love between partners, orgasm can be achieved within 1 minute in 25% of women after the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

Does penis size affect a woman's response?
Numerous studies have shown that the vagina during intercourse adapts to the size of the penis and the subjective sensations of pleasure and intensity of orgasm are not related to the size of the penis. During an erection, the size of a tense penis decreases. Contrary to popular belief, there is no relationship between penis size and male sexual potency. An obstacle just may be a penis that is too large with a woman's narrow vagina.

Does the size of the clitoris affect sexual sensitivity and orgasm?
The size of the clitoris does not affect the frequency of a woman's orgasm.
The sensitivity of the clitoris is about 3-5 times higher than the sensitivity of the glans penis, but the occurrence of an orgasm and the satisfaction during intercourse depends on many factors.

If a woman does not have an orgasm, is she frigid?
On average, 1 out of 3 women does not experience an orgasm in the first year of marriage, and only 30% regularly achieve orgasm in the course of one sexual intercourse. This may be due to the inexperience of sexual partners, psychological (fear of partner dissatisfaction, fear of pregnancy) and other factors.

What is a decrease in sex drive?
A decrease in sexual desire can be observed in both women and men, but it is women who are most often accused of being “cold”. However, there is a very famous expression: "There are no frigid women, but there are inattentive men and lazy women." True frigidity is extremely rare. Sexual desire and arousal decrease in the presence of chronic diseases of any localization, depression, pregnancy, chronic stress. Socio-economic factors can inhibit sexual desire: job change or loss, financial problems, having small children in the family, living with parents or other relatives in the same apartment or house. Strict upbringing, childhood psychological trauma, strict control by parents can leave a negative imprint on a woman's life and be the cause of her sexual disorders. An unpleasant situation and a crisis in intimate life awaken old unconscious fears and inhibitions that are the cause of sexual problems.

What can be the reason for the lack of orgasm in women?
Anorgasmia, or lack of orgasm, has the same causes as a decrease or lack of sexual desire, and is most often due to the inexperience of sexual partners to bring pleasure to each other. It has been proven that 90% of women experience orgasm during masturbation. This means that true anorgasmia, when erotic receptors do not respond to irritation, is extremely rare. Lack of orgasm may be the result of premature ejaculation in a man, interrupted intercourse, insufficient psychoerotic preparation of a woman for rapprochement (due to the lack of foreplay), an incorrectly chosen position. Due to the lack of sexual education and old traditional views on sex, a woman is most often a passive sexual partner, providing only parts of her body to satisfy the sexual needs of a man, as a result of which the erogenous zones (both genital and extragenital) do not receive sufficient stimulation. Usually a man determines the frequency, rhythm, form of sexual intercourse, being an active partner. Sometimes the lack of orgasm can be associated with puberty disorders.

Why can a woman experience pain during intercourse?
There are many reasons why a woman may experience pain during intercourse.
. Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system (vaginitis, cervicitis, abscess of the Bartholin gland, inflammation of the appendages)
. Other diseases of the reproductive system (endometritis, ovarian cysts, uterine leiomyoma)
. Vaginismus, primary or secondary (pain due to fear of intercourse)
. Lack of moisture (lubrication) during intercourse.

What are the reasons for insufficient hydration of the vagina?
Insufficient production of "lubrication" during sexual intercourse is most often due to a woman's unpreparedness for sexual intercourse (lack of desire, arousal), in the presence of inflammatory processes of the vagina and vulva, against the background of taking a number of medications, with atrophy of the vaginal mucosa (postmenopause, radiation), in the presence of vaginal scars.

How is a woman with sexual dysfunction examined?
For many years, the issues of women's sexual disorders have not been given due attention. Usually they were accused of "natural coldness", while sexologists and sex therapists dealt only with issues of male sexual disorders. Most clinics specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of male sexual dysfunctions. Female sexual dysfunction is a problem of a married couple or both partners. To exclude a number of causes of sexual disorders, a woman may be offered to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, laboratory tests to detect sexually transmitted infections, and ultrasound. Interviewing a woman and her partner can help a doctor choose the right direction for diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunction.

How is female sexual dysfunction treated?
In most cases, female sexual disorders do not require medication or other treatment. Explaining to a woman and her partner the causes of such disorders, teaching the technique of sex, eliminating psychological causes, helps in solving the problem in most cases of sexual disorders.

All types of activities and treatment can be divided into the following groups:
1. Teaching the anatomy of the genital organs, their functions, the changes that take place in the body with age, the rules of sexual behavior and sexual response.
2. Encouraging the use of drugs that increase arousal (watching erotic films, reading erotic books, erotic lingerie, masturbation, new sex positions and techniques, vibrators and sex toys).
3. The use of stimuli (music, light, scenery, new places, erotic fantasies, sexual experiments).
4. Encouragement of non-sexual relations (helping a man with household chores, raising children, building trust, respect and understanding, joint walks, trips and visits to public places, etc.).
5. Reducing pain (treatment of inflammatory processes, surgical removal of tumors of the vagina and uterus, training in relaxation techniques, the use of lubricants, medications, hormones).

Can a woman take Viagra and are there such drugs for women?
Women should not take Viagra, which was created to improve male erection, due to its ineffectiveness for the female body and the presence of many side effects. Attempts to create a "female Viagra" are carried out by many pharmaceutical laboratories in the world, but so far have not been successful.

anonymous , Female, 14 years old

Hello, dear Yuri Petrovich. My name is Irina and I am 14. My problem is that I have lost the former sensitivity of the clitoris, most parts of the genital organs (erogenous zones) ... Since childhood, I have been masturbating, since about 6 years old, I realized that I was doing something bad , but as a child, I did not know anything about what I was doing. Now I have completely stopped doing it. Masturbated by shaking on hard things, thick pillows, for example. Please tell me what should I do in such a situation? Leave everything as it is, and wait until everything recovers by itself? Or take some action? And will this sensitivity be restored to the norm of a healthy girl? I will be very grateful for your help.

Hello. Irina. You know yourself well - and therefore one word for you is a whole story. I don't know you at all, so I need more specific information so that I can get into the situation. My question is: 1. What do you call "lost sensitivity" - what exactly is it expressed in? 2. How did you discover that you had lost something? 3. Does this "loss" affect your health, your relationships with boys, etc.? 4. What is your mood in the last six months? Are there any diseases of the body or spirit? Write - we will discuss.


Hello again. I am Irina, the girl who wrote to you earlier with a problem about loss of sensitivity. I can give you answers. 1. Previously, during masturbation, I received quite a lot of pleasure, but now, I almost don’t feel anything ... I read on the Internet what, in general, in fact, a girl should feel during caresses, when she should feel that pleasure and under what kind of impact. My "loss" is expressed in the fact that when stimulated, I can not get pleasure. Regarding the clitoris: I read that the girls are pleasantly stimulated not by the clitoris itself, but by the areas adjacent to it, by sipping and affecting the labia minora. Under such influences, I also do not feel anything. 2. I discovered my "loss" when I gradually began to get less pleasant sensations from masturbation. As I said earlier, then I didn’t feel anything at all. 3. No, it does not affect my health in any way. I have not been sick for half a year, I always feel great, I have no complaints. But now I was no longer turned on by naked boys and the like ... Previously, only seeing this, I got excited, the desire to remove this state by masturbation, the release of "secret liquid" now there is no such thing ... 4. Infusion over the past half a year generally positive. There are sharp swings from good to bad, but this does not happen often. There are no diseases of the body, the spirit, everything is normal. I hope this information will help you understand the current situation. I immediately apologize for the fact that maybe I didn’t explain it so clearly somewhere ... I know very little about such things, so I told it as best I could. I will be very grateful to you for your help. This question worries me a lot...