Jewish stuffed pike recipe. Jewish stuffed pike

  • Pike - 1-1.2 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Dry loaf - 2-3 pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Milk (optional) - 1 cup
  • Salt, black pepper, coriander, cloves, allspice
  • Parsley, lettuce, lemon, pomegranate, olives, pickled gherkins and cherry tomatoes, etc. for serving
How to cook Jewish stuffed pike:

For a small family, it is enough to cook medium-sized fish - one kilogram or a little more. Firstly, it is very problematic to choose a dish for serving so that the whole stuffed pike fits on it. Secondly, larger fish are problematic to cook or bake in the oven. And a pike weighing 1.2-1.5 kg, as a rule, is about half a meter long and it is quite possible to cook it whole

Peel the pike carcass from scales, cut off the pike's head with a sharp knife, immediately behind the gill covers. Remove the gills of the fish, and also gut the insides without cutting the belly. In no case do not cut the stomach - it is necessary that the skin remains intact. This is necessary so that when stuffing the stuffing does not fall out through damage in the skin. The fins of the fish should also be left in place.

Using a sharp knife and kitchen scissors, skin the whole fish like a stocking. Carefully cutting the flesh under the skin in a circle, pull off the skin to the very caudal fin. Cut off the spine with a knife as close to the tail fin as possible. Remove all meat from bones and skin. The skin is dense and durable, the meat is well scraped off. But it is important not to damage the skin. You should get a stocking with fins and a plate of pike meat

Peel a few onions and chop coarsely enough. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until a nice golden color. Soak stale white bread or loaf in milk. If for some reason milk is not suitable, you can replace milk with boiled water.

Grind pike meat twice with a meat grinder. An important point: after the first grinding, you need to pull out the meat grinder knife and remove the bones that have accumulated there. All large bones will gather in front of the meat grinder mesh - by the way, an amazing feature of this kitchen appliance. After the second time, grind the soaked and well-wrung white bread

Mix pike minced meat, ground white bread and all fried onions in a bowl. You can add additional finely grated raw onion - if desired. Salt and pepper the mince to taste. I advise, if desired, to add 1-2 pinches of ground coriander and one column of cloves crushed to a state of dust and a pea of ​​allspice. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of cold boiled water. Mix the minced meat and knead very carefully until completely homogeneous.

Stuff the pike skin with minced meat, giving it the shape of a fish. So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, wet your hands with cold water. Stuffing is not very tight, so that when cooking or frying the skin does not burst. It makes sense to pierce the skin with a toothpick in several places. Fill the pike head with the rest of the stuffing. Stuffed pike prepared for heat treatment. If there is uncertainty that the pike will remain intact and not be damaged, you can tie the stuffed pike with cotton thread like “iris” - this will reduce the risk of tearing the fish and it will be more convenient to turn and shift it

For heat treatment of stuffed pike, two options can be used

First option. Boiling stuffed pike in bone and vegetable broth. This is not difficult. In a large fish pan, put all the pike bones - ribs, spine. Spread a handful of washed onion peel, sliced ​​raw carrots and beets. Add bay leaf and dry soup roots - 1-2 tbsp. Lay stuffed pike and head on top. Put in a saucepan a few peas of black and allspice, cloves and add 0.5 tsp. salt. Pour the stuffed pike with cold water - not hot, the skin of the fish will instantly burst. Put the pan on the fire and slowly (!) Bring the water to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 45 minutes on a very low heat so that the liquid barely boils. When the stuffed pike is ready, carefully drain the liquid.

Second option. Lubricate a baking sheet of suitable size with vegetable oil, or cover it with baking paper, and place the stuffed pike on it. Thoroughly grease the whole fish with fat - vegetable or butter. Put the fish in the oven and turn on the heat. Stuffed pike should be heated together with the oven. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake stuffed pike for about 1 hour. Given the time it takes to heat the fish, this will be enough. Periodically, it is worth lubricating the surface of the fish with fat or liquid that flows onto the baking sheet. It is also worth controlling that the surface of the pike does not burn - the fish can be turned over.

Cover a fish serving dish of suitable length with a few green lettuce leaves (lettuce, romaine, endive). Remove the fish from the pan or baking sheet and transfer to a dish, being careful not to damage the carcass. If the pike was tied with a thread before heat treatment, it will not be difficult. Cut the thread from the fish after transferring to the dish. Transfer the head to the fish on a dish, forming the likeness of a whole fish. Ideal if you can make an imitation of pike.

Stuffed pike, before serving, can be cut into portions. But this can be done directly at the festive table. Decorate the stuffed pike with lemon slices, pickled gherkins and cherry tomatoes, olives, parsley - turn on your imagination. It turns out very beautifully if the stuffed pike is decorated with thin lines of mayonnaise - a mesh pattern, only very little.

Stuffed pike is served chilled, although hot it is just as tasty. If the pike was boiled, you can add boiled vegetables and pour 2-3 tablespoons over it. liquid that remains after cooking and put the dish in the refrigerator to cool. The broth, due to substances from the bones, will harden, and the pike will be in a transparent jelly.

Although stuffed pike is served cold, it is not allowed to cool. This is beyond our strength - it is eaten still hot. Ideally, stuffed pike is served with spicy mustard or homemade horseradish - the best seasoning for fish and meat.

Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed pike will delight real gourmets with its taste. Even a novice cook can prepare a dish, following the step-by-step recommendations in the recipes.

Fish features

Pike is a fish known all over the world. In different countries, it is represented by various species, differing in size, color and some external differences. All of them are united by several things: sharp teeth, predatory character and tasty meat.

This river fish can also be raised in captivity. For example, in France it is bred in special artificial reservoirs with a total area of ​​more than 500 hectares. In many parts of the world, it is recognized as a delicacy, although there are people who cannot get used to its specific smell of river mud and excessive bonyness.

In our country, legends were made about pikes and fairy tales were written. There is a story about a king who caught a fish and girded it with an engraved ring. This pike was caught after 200 years. Such stories speak of a special relationship to this fish.

Description of the dish and what to look out for

Stuffed pike will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table. Of course, you will have to tinker with its preparation, but the spectacular appearance and unique taste will more than cover all the efforts spent! She is rightly called the "Queen of the festive table", because after serving she will become the main source of attention at the celebration.

For those who do not like this fish because of the presence of the smell of mud, there is a special secret: onions and carrots are added to the stuffing for stuffing, previously sautéed in a pan with a lot of oil. There is another good recommendation to add extra juiciness and eliminate smell: you can add a little salty bacon to the minced meat. It will soften the taste, add juice and give a unique flavor to your fish.

When choosing fish, you must definitely pay attention to the smell - half the success in cooking depends on the right choice. Fresh fish has a strong fishy smell. You have to choose this one. Switch your attention to the mucus covering the carcass, it should be completely transparent. Another feature when choosing a fish is to highlight the color of the gills: red or pink color will tell about the freshness of the fish, without extraneous inclusions.

Pro Tip: Don't choose oversized fish. For a good portion, it will be enough to choose a fish weighing up to 1500 grams. Larger individuals are less cleaned, and the integrity of the skin can be easily broken. In addition, a large pike may not fit in the oven.

The traditional way to cook stuffed pike

Grocery list:

  • pike carcass - 1 kg;
  • dried loaf - 0.3 kg;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled beets - 1 pc.;
  • cow's milk - 0.3 l;
  • salt - 3 pinches;
  • fish spices;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - to taste;
  • fresh fat - 0.150 kg;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.

To decorate the dish you will need:

  • canned black olives - 1 can;
  • greens (parsley, dill) - 1 bunch each;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 0.1 kg.

Cutting rules

Stuffed pike according to the traditional recipe is prepared quite simply. The fish needs to be cleaned of the skin, peeling the scales from it. It is important not to accidentally peel off the skin or make holes in it, because only thanks to it the meat will not fall apart during cutting and it will be easier to remove it in the future. Next, you need to remove the gills. For this, special scissors or a good sharp knife are well suited. Then we cut the fish along the abdomen and carefully take out all the insides. You can help yourself with a small fish knife. Care is needed in order not to inadvertently damage the gallbladder.

Tip: if the gallbladder nevertheless burst and bile leaked into the fish, then in this case it is worth soaking it in a solution of water with two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of salt. After 30 minutes, this neutralizes the acid and after rinsing with plenty of water, the fish can continue to cook.

To make pike meat softer, you need to beat off the carcass with a rolling pin on a wooden board. You do not need to hit hard, just make 10 light hits on each side. This will make it easier to remove the skin later.

The next step is to cut off her head, and then take a razor-sharp knife and start cutting off the skin. It is better to choose the direction from head to tail. Stretch the skin and cut with a knife, making circular movements around the carcass. The fins can be cut right under the skin and removed along with it. Gradually we reach the tail and cut it across so that the fin itself remains entirely on the skin.

Cooking process

Pike is a bony fish, so pay special attention to cleaning the meat from the ridge and bones. Put the cleaned meat in a saucepan, add water, onion, bay leaf and a little cloves. Cooking time for pike is about 40 minutes over low heat. Carefully monitor the cooking: after boiling, we advise you to remove the foam from the surface of the water.

While the meat is cooking, you can prepare the filling. We take the cooked loaf crumb, add milk to the bowl with it and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Then we cut the onion into small pieces, three carrots on a coarse grater and fry in oil over low heat. If you have a blender, then you can grind the fat in it. If it is not, then it is easily done with a good sharp knife. Also, a regular meat grinder is suitable for cooking. Pieces of bacon can be twisted through it along with fried onions and carrots.

We also twist the boiled pike fillet in a meat grinder and mix it thoroughly with chopped vegetables, lard and a milk loaf. Add egg yolks there (without protein). Salt well and add spice to your favorite spices. We mix well again. The remaining proteins need to be beaten with a mixer or whisk until foam is formed. Slowly stirring the minced meat, add the foamed proteins there. This will make the final filling more airy.

Stuffed pike will look better if its cutting has been given great attention and the removed skin has remained intact and unharmed. An important stage of cooking is to carefully fill the inner space of the separated skin with the prepared stuffing. The head can also be stuffed with the resulting fish mass.

We spread the fish on a foil greased with oil, add the fish broth left after cooking to the bottom. Next, cover it on top with a second piece of foil and place it in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. The total baking time is 40 minutes.

If you want to cook a fish with a crispy dried golden crust, then 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the top foil, opening the fish.

Submission rules

Stuffed pike is served cold on the table, so it needs to be thoroughly cooled after baking. Put the greens on a large plate in advance and then put the fish on it, like “on a pillow”. Ideally, if you can lay out the carcass and head so that the pike looks whole. Canned olives can be put in the eyes and pike mouth. For lovers of sauces, you can additionally decorate the fish with mayonnaise or sour cream on top.

Jewish stuffed pike

The Jewish people, in general, are experts in the preparation and consumption of pike meat. It was from them that a good and tasty recipe for its preparation came into the world, which was later called “Jewish pike”. Modern cooking methods are somewhat different from those used by the ancestors, but this does not reduce the merits of the fish, but rather, on the contrary, adds new interesting flavor notes. For cooking you will need:

  • pike - 2 pcs. (3 kg);
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • dried white loaf - 0.15 kg;
  • heated water - 0.12 ml;
  • olive oil - about 3 tablespoons;
  • fish spices;
  • ordinary salt - to taste;
  • Japanese nori seaweed;
  • dry paprika.

Cooking process

The first step is to clean the fish scales and remove the gills. Then cut the belly with a knife and carefully remove the insides. Cut the spine through the hole in the abdomen with a knife and remove as many bones as possible. Next, with a small knife, cut the meat from the skin, trying not to damage its integrity. From the resulting fillet, once again select the remaining bones.

Put the onion cut into small cubes in a hot frying pan with oil and bring to a beautiful golden color. Dip the prepared bread in warm water and let it stand. If you have a blender or food processor at home, use them; if not, a simple meat grinder is perfect. Scroll fish fillet, soaked loaf and sautéed onion through it. Stir in spices to taste and eggs (yolk and protein) into the resulting minced meat.

Please note: the minced meat must be beaten with a special whisk or mixer, pay special attention to this. To facilitate the whipping process, you can add slightly heated filtered water to the thick mass.

From the resulting mass, set aside 0.3 kg of minced meat in another dish. With what remains in the main cup, stuff the inside of the skin, peeled from the pike.

In a mass laid out in a separate bowl, you need to add dry paprika. Put it in and stir until the minced meat is evenly colored in red. Place sheets of nori seaweed on pre-prepared bamboo mats, and place red minced meat on top. Using a mat, roll up a roll. Place the resulting stick inside the fish skin so that it lies in place of the pike ridge.

Put the resulting fish with a surprise on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil. Put everything in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for about 1 hour.

The dish can be served both hot and cold, but be sure to put the fish on a plate on top of thinly sliced ​​​​lemon slices. Such a touch will give a beautiful appearance and add a touch of classics when serving fish in a modern format.

Stuffing pike with mushrooms

Stuffed pike with mushrooms is another wonderful dish that will be an exquisite addition to any holiday table. Such a dish will draw all the attention to itself, so in the process of cooking you need to try your best to make the pike with mushrooms truly magnificent.

For cooking you will need:

  • pike carcass - several pieces with a total weight of about 3 kg;
  • white loaf - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • marinated champignon mushrooms - a jar of 1 l;
  • fresh carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh lemon - 1 pc.;
  • cow's milk - 0.2 l;
  • butter - 0.07 kg;
  • sunflower oil;
  • dill and parsley - to taste;
  • fish spices - to taste.

Step by step cooking process

The fish must be cleaned of scales, gills and fins. A sharp kitchen knife for fish and special scissors will help with this. Make an incision around the head without separating the spine from it.

Next, very carefully cut the belly of the pike and remove all the giblets from the inside. Carefully take out the gallbladder so as not to tear it and fill it with bile fish. Then, with the utmost care, separate the skin from the pike meat using a knife and scissors. Scissors will be needed to cut off the fins and tail from the inside of the fish, under the skin. Next, the resulting skin “cover” is well salted from the inside and outside.

Carefully remove all small and large bones from the resulting fillet so that they do not spoil the process of eating. Stuffed pike will be eaten much better if the bones do not interfere in the mouth.

A long loaf in a separate bowl must be poured with warm milk and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to prepare the filling, and for this you need a food processor, blender or a regular meat grinder. Grind or twist together pike fillet, milk loaf and eggs. Mix well.

The next step is to chop the onion and grate the carrots, and then pass over low heat until golden brown. Be sure to fry in vegetable oil. Then chop the pickled mushrooms and throw them into the pan with onions and carrots. Stew well for 4-6 minutes, and then dump the contents of the pan into the minced meat and mix everything again. Add spices and dried herbs to taste.

Gently stuff the fish skin with the resulting mass, using a tablespoon. Do not pack too hard - there should be enough space for the juice to form and boil inside.

Cover a baking sheet with foil, grease with oil and place the fish on it. We advise you to wrap the pike tail in foil to avoid burning and drying out. If you cover the fish completely with foil, then it will bake in its own juice, and if you leave it open, the skin will be covered with a beautiful golden crisp.

The baking time in the oven is about 60 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. For a spectacular serving, place round slices of thinly sliced ​​lemon on plates, and place portions of baked pike on top. Stuffed pike is ready and can be served to guests.

Enjoy your meal!


Lemon juice goes well with any fish. It can be sprinkled on the finished carcass by squeezing the lemon halves. You can also add soy sauce to the table. The salty taste will complement the taste of baked fish. Pike drinks can be served with white wine - they go well with pike meat. This is how they often serve their dishes on the table in French cuisine.

Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed pike, as for me, decorates and complements the holiday very well. This is a royal dish as a symbol of the festive table. Not every housewife can decide on its preparation.

But on the other hand, what a rich variety of tastes can be found in those who cook stuffed pike - after all, everyone gets it in different ways. Someone focuses on juiciness, someone on a delicate or spicier taste, while others prefer baked or jellied fish. Today I have selected for you a few recipes for this dish, which is cooked in the oven. Take them for yourself and try them out.

My first recipe is a real festive stuffed pike. I don’t like all fish, but after we bought this fish, I got a burning desire to cook it. And the result surprised me. The taste is simply indescribable.


  • In order to cook the dish you need as much as 2 kilograms of pike,
  • 1 egg
  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 1 onion
  • and 1 carrot
  • 1 jar of champignons, canned
  • 120 milliliters of milk,
  • about 50 grams of butter,
  • black pepper (preferably ground)
  • 4 tablespoons sunflower or olive oil
  • dill and salt to your liking.


I tell you how to cook this or that dish sequentially, step by step.

1. First you need to cut the fish. Remove the scales, remove the gills and then rinse.

Next, make a small incision along the axis of the head, leave the spine, and extract the rest of the contents. It is necessary to carefully pull out the gallbladder, as there is a high probability of accidentally crushing it.

2. The next step is to remove the skin from the fillet. It is convenient to do this using a regular knife and, of course, help with your hands. Now you need to find the fins of the fish and make a small cut there again. It is more convenient to carry out with scissors.

4. Slightly salt the skin of the fish and turn it out.

5. Now that the skin has been removed, it is necessary to separate the fillet and carefully remove small bones from it.

6. It's time to get busy with bread. It must be left in milk for about 10 minutes, and then pulled out and allowed to drain.

7. Now connect the bread, fillet, and crank with a meat grinder. You can also load the ingredients into a blender. It is important that the content is crushed. When this step is done, you need to add the egg.

8. Onions and carrots are an indispensable attribute in cooking. In this recipe, the onion should be finely chopped, and the carrots should be grated on a large grater and overcooked together over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.

9. Drain the liquid containing the canned mushrooms. And finely chop the contents and then combine with carrots and onions. Stew the vegetables a little on the fire, and add the required amount of butter to them.

10. After cooling, add chopped fish fillet with white bread and an egg. And just at this stage we put salt here, quite a bit of black pepper and herbs. It remains only to mix the resulting mass and the filling is ready.

11. Before going to the oven, you need to take the pike skin, which should be one piece and look like a stocking. Send inside the resulting mass. It is best to do this with a teaspoon.

Advice! It is not necessary to stuff the stuffing too tightly and tightly, because during the stay in the oven, the pike skin may not withstand and burst.

12. Now you need to get a baking sheet, evenly cover it with foil, grease with oil and put the pike. It is also advisable to lightly grease the fish with oil. To keep her mouth open, you can insert toothpicks into it, for example.

13. Send the baking sheet to the oven and bake the fish for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

14. When the fish is ready, take it out and put it on a large plate. Then you can cut it into portions to make it easier to eat.

The recipe takes a lot of time to prepare, but the festive pike, filled with exquisite taste and aroma, is worth it.

Stuffed pike with rice

I really like the recipe, the pike is very juicy. I add lemon to the dish, it creates a sour note, which is very useful here.


  • To cook such a hearty dinner, you need the pike itself,
  • 5 tablespoons with rice (better to use long grain),
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 pieces of onion,
  • Also 1 egg
  • about 5 tablespoons of sour cream,
  • 4 teaspoons mustard,
  • greens,
  • 1-2 lemons.


1. You need to start by cutting the pike. Clean it from unnecessary entrails, clean off the scales, remove the gills and rinse well with water.

2. Now the fish must be salted, peppered and preferably rubbed with garlic. The taste of garlic will not be felt in the cooked dish, but it will be able to remove the smell characteristic of fish.

3. Boil the rice with a little salt added to the water.

4. Now let's deal with carrots and onions, the first vegetable needs to be rubbed on a large grater, and the second one just finely chopped. If desired, carrots can also be cut into cubes. We put the frying pan, greased with oil, on the fire and fry the vegetables for 3-5 minutes. Salt and pepper immediately.

5. When the passivation is ready, combine it with rice, and add an egg to this mixture. You can use any seasoning for a brighter taste.

6. Next, prepare a baking sheet. On it you need to spread the foil evenly in two layers without cutting it. And lay the onions on the foil, which must be cut into rings in advance. This method will protect the fish from sticking and burning.

7. Soon the future dish can be sent to the oven. With the resulting filling, you need to fill the pike and sew its abdomen so that the mixture does not fall out during baking.

It remains only to put the carcass on a baking sheet and make the sauce.

8. It's time to start preparing the sauce. First you need to mix mustard and sour cream.

9. Lemons cut into thin slices.

10. Now it remains to spread the fish with the resulting sauce and put lemon slices on top. Close the pike tightly with foil on top and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 1.5 hours. Bake until done.

Decorate the finished dish to your liking and rather treat your family or guests.

Jewish stuffed pike in the oven

In Jewish cuisine, stuffed fish is a traditional dish. There are a lot of recipes for cooking, and large fish are usually chosen for this. I will talk about one of several recipes in which pike occupies the main place.


  • To make a traditional Jewish dish, you need 800 grams of pike,
  • 4 loaf slices,
  • 5 chicken eggs,
  • 100 grams of onion,
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil,
  • greens,
  • salt and black pepper (ground is best) to taste,
  • 90 grams of lemons.


1. The cooking process, as in all recipes for stuffed pike, will begin with cutting it. The fish must be cleaned of scales, cut. The head must be left. It is necessary to remove the fillet and separate it from the bones.

2. Leave the bread slices in the water for a while and then allow the water to drain. Meanwhile boil the eggs.

3. Twist the fillets, white bread, eggs and onions. I usually use a blender for this, but you can use a meat grinder. And to the resulting mass add greens, breadcrumbs, raw eggs. Add some salt and pepper.

4. Now slowly, smoothly and gently fill the pike with the resulting mixture. It is advisable to sew it a little.

5. Now you can put the fish on a baking sheet, having previously greased it with sunflower oil. The pike itself also needs to be coated with a thin layer of oil.

6. Send it to the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees for about 40 minutes. You need to gradually increase the temperature. You can do this every 20 minutes, adding a little heat by 5 degrees.

Stuffed pike, and any other fish, does not like a sharp increase in temperature. Her delicate skin can quickly crack or, worse, tear. That is why the temperature in the oven must be increased gradually.

When the fish is cooked, take it out, cool, remove the threads and cut into pieces. And for a more attractive and appetizing appearance, you can decorate it with herbs and lemon slices.

Delicious stuffed pike with buckwheat

This old recipe will decorate any holiday table, guests will be delighted. If you want to get together with friends or family soon, especially if there is a joyful reason for it, then write down this recipe soon!


  • To prepare this dish, you need to purchase 1.5 kilograms of pike,
  • 270 grams of buckwheat,
  • 1 medium lemon
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 bunch of any greens
  • 200 grams of onion,
  • sunflower oil and salt.

Almost all used products are at home in every housewife, with the exception of pike. But it will not be difficult to buy it in a store, or maybe my husband will bring it from fishing.


1. You should start again with pike, as in any other recipes. You need to handle it carefully, the skin is delicate, you need to try to remove it without damaging it, as if with a “stocking”.

After cleaning the fish from scales and making an incision near the head. Remove gills.

2. Separate the fish fillet from all the bones and grind in a blender, or pass through a meat grinder. Who is more comfortable and better.

3. The eggs in this recipe should be hard-boiled, and the onion should be peeled, cut into small pieces and fried in oil.

4. Rinse buckwheat better and soak it in water in a ratio of one to two. Then put it on medium heat and remove when it is half done. This usually takes approximately 10-15 minutes.

5. Minced meat with fish, overcooked onions, eggs and buckwheat combine and mix. After, fill the pike with this stuffing.

6. Spread fish with sunflower oil and put on a baking sheet. Now it can be sent to the oven.

It will bake for 40 minutes, maybe a little more. The temperature in the oven should be kept at around 180 degrees.

When the fish is ready, you need to get it out of the oven, transfer it to a beautiful dish and decorate with lemon and herbs. The dish for the festive table is ready.

Recipe with mushrooms

Many people love fish very much, especially when it is stuffed with different fillings.

Mushroom season comes in autumn, so I suggest putting pike stuffed in the oven with mushrooms on the table. The cooking process is not quite simple, but they say that the taste of the dish is memorable.


Before manufacturing, you need to check whether all the products are in place.

  • here you need 1 kilogram of pike,
  • 350 grams of champignons,
  • onions and carrots - one each,
  • 1 bunch of any greens
  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 1 mug of milk
  • 2 eggs,
  • sunflower or olive oil,
  • 80 grams of butter,
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


1. The pike needs to be washed, cleaned of scales, well gutted without touching the skin, so as not to damage it. Then you need to make light cuts near the head and “remove” the skin from the fish. It turns out that it will be turned inside out. Don't forget to trim the tail.

2. Now you can start making the mixture that the pike will be filled with before going to the oven. To do this, leave the pieces of white bread in milk for literally 5-10 minutes. Remove the bones from the fish fillet. Add to it the bread that was soaked in milk, and one egg.

3. Carrots, onions and mushrooms should be cut into small cubes, and chopped greens. If desired, carrots can simply be grated. Overcook on low heat for 7 minutes, do not forget to add a little salt.

4. When the vegetables are ready, pull them out and fry the mushrooms a little with butter. The frying process lasts no more than 8 minutes.

5. Now combine overcooking with greens, champignons, a mixture of fish meat in one container and add a little butter. Pepper and salt to taste.

6. Now you need to take the pike again and put the cooked mass inside the skin. Do not stuff the fish very tightly and tightly, otherwise it may not stand in the oven and tear.

7. Spread the pike on a baking sheet, which is pre-greased with sunflower oil. Also, you need to beat one egg and spread it on top of the fish. This will give it a golden hue.

8. Bake the fish for an hour so that the mark in the oven is fixed at 180 degrees. You need to monitor the readiness, because the cooking time also depends on the size of the selected fish.

When the pike is ready, it needs to be cooled to make it easier and easier to cut it into portions. You can decorate with vegetables, add greens or lemon slices.

You can serve the dish both hot and cold. If you do everything in accordance with the recipe, then the taste will be unique.

How to cook pike stuffed with onions and carrots in foil

The fastest and easiest way to cook stuffed pike is with carrots and onions. It takes a little time compared to others, and is much easier to do. The dish is suitable for lunch and dinner.


  • For such a juicy option, you will need the pike itself (it is better that its weight does not exceed 1 kilogram),
  • half a lemon
  • 2 bulbs
  • any greens of your choice
  • 2-3 medium carrots
  • salt,
  • black pepper and sunflower oil (you can also use olive oil).


I heard that it is desirable to take a small, young fish for making a dish. It is fresher and does not give off a slight but unpleasant smell of mud.

1. First of all, you need to clean the fish from scales, remove the gills and all the extra insides that are not needed. Salt the pike.

2. Greens must be very finely chopped, cut the onion into rings, and grate the carrots. Mix the ingredients, salt and add sunflower oil and a little lemon juice.

3. Fill the pike with the resulting mixture. For a more memorable taste, sprinkle the fish on top with lemon juice and a little oil.

4. Put the fish on foil, and place celery and some more carrots next to it for a side dish. It remains only to wrap everything in foil, place on a baking sheet, or if there is one, then in a baking tray. Place in the oven for half an hour.

The temperature in the oven should be 200 degrees. After this time, slightly open the foil and leave the pike for another 5-10 minutes in the oven. So it will brown and look even tastier.

This is how you can achieve a bright taste with the help of fish and vegetables. Save your stuffed pike recipes so you always have them on hand.

Try different cooking options and surprise everyone with a rich variety of dishes. Enjoy your meal!

Pike in Hebrew is a delicious dish that is served mainly on holidays. The process of its preparation is very laborious, but the result is worth it.

This Jewish dish is prepared from pike, as it has a dense skin. But if you wish, you can stuff any other river fish, the main thing is that it be fresh.


The Jewish stuffed pike recipe is somewhat different from the classic one. It includes the following products:

  • 2-3 kilograms of fresh fish;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 small beets;
  • 3-4 bulbs;
  • onion peel;
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • 4 peas of allspice and hot pepper;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt;
  • water.


Stuffed pike is a Jewish dish. Therefore, you need to follow the rules for its preparation. For example, we will not soak bread in milk for minced meat, because this is contrary to the laws of kashrut. Therefore, we use ordinary water for this.

Stages of cooking pike in Hebrew:

  1. We cut off the head from the fish carcass, get rid of the gills and eyes. We do not rip open the abdominal part, we remove the insides through the cut on the neck, we get rid of the scales. Carefully remove the skin - for this we cut it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fins, slowly tighten the stocking, wash it.
  2. We separate the meat from the bone, try to get rid of the bones as much as possible. We pass it along with half of the whole onion, bread soaked and squeezed in water through a meat grinder. In order for the filling to be tender, juicy, add vegetable oil, then bring it to taste - salt, pepper.
  3. We stuff the skin with minced meat. We prepare a pillow of vegetables - we clean them, cut them into slices of medium thickness, put them on the bottom of the dishes in which the delicacy will be prepared, and already place the fish on them.
  4. Grind pike bones, onion peel, add to the dishes, but place away from the main ingredient. We also add peppers, bay leaf, oil to the dishes. We fill it with water (to slightly cover the fish), add some salt, add sugar. Simmer for 3 hours.
  5. We boil the head separately. We make sure it doesn't melt.
  6. We wait for the fish delicacy to cool completely, put it on a plate, put our head on it.

If desired, the dish can be decorated with herbs. It is better to refuse the use of fish seasonings, since the taste of Jewish pike may not be so pronounced from this.

So, hello again! Lent has already begun today, and my head is busy with what I will put on the festive table. So far, nothing worthwhile has come to mind, BUT this dish will be again and again. I would like to present to you my signature dish. This is my Jewish stuffed pike. Why do you ask such a name, it's very simple.
A long time ago I was presented with a cookery book, the author and the cover have not been preserved, because my backbiters love colorful pictures, but inside everything is intact, but crumpled. There was given a recipe for stuffing fish and it belonged to Jewish cuisine. I was attracted by the fish processing technology, everything else came by itself. But the recipe included any fish and it was stewed in a saucepan.
But not me. Here, as luck would have it, it was the New Year, and my missus caught fish. Such a big and long pike. And well, very smart people said that it is delicious baked in the oven and stuffed, but they say your wife can do that? What to say, nothing to say. And it was passed on to me.
I always remembered that my grandmothers and grandfathers on both sides were food technologists, and nature rested on my parents, but all the knowledge in the fourth degree went to me. Yes, and do not wait until I fall face dirt.
Why did I take the fish, cleaned it of scales, opened the belly, removed the intestines, someone removes the gills, but then they didn’t bother me and still don’t interfere, and they don’t affect the taste.
I dried the prepared fish with towels. The whole trick was to remove the skin without damaging the carcass (but this is not a word in the recipe) So I stood over it and thought how to do it, of course I heard about stockings and stuff. Everywhere there was either a separation of the head from the body, or amputation of the tail. But not me. And I armed myself with metal scissors (I already wrote about a spatula when making cakes), a knife and ... I made a cut with a knife as far as possible along the carcass to the very tail. Opened in different directions. very carefully fillet, so that the ridge appears. Then, with metal scissors, she bit the ridge inside at the very base of the fish's head. The next undershot is the ridge at the end of the tail. Now the most important and the first time a difficult operation (do not worry, the hand is stuffed). Take the spine with your hand and pull it towards you, slowly, helping with the other hand to disconnect it from the meat. A small nuance, where the fish has fins on its back, the ridge almost touches them closely. Therefore, in order not to damage the skin, carefully cut it with a knife. The skin in that place will remain intact without a hole.
If everything is done correctly, then you will have a ridge with all the large bones in your hands, and a flattened carcass with almost no bones will lie in front of you.
Next, with my hands, sometimes helping a little with a knife, remove the fillet from the skin. But try not in jerks, but in smooth movements. As a result, we have a skin along with a head and tail. We push it aside and take care of the most sacred for her; minced meat.
For minced meat, I take the fillet of the same fish, finely chop it with a knife, while removing unnecessary small bones. We take boiled rice so 150-200 grams (we look at how much to stuff), finely chop the onion of good size, then cut a tiny boiled carrot (or on a grater as you like), a few olives (I also cut them), you can add chopped bell pepper , chopped dill (quite a bit). If you want, add a roll softened in milk. Next, add one egg, and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil (refined), instead of butter. Salt, pepper. Knead into a homogeneous mass. Next, we take a needle and a double thread of such a length that it is enough to darn the abdomen. Now there are confectionery threads on sale, but I use plain white threads in the old fashioned way. We lay out the minced meat evenly along the entire length of the carcass, at the same time starting to sew up the abdomen, sometimes putting minced meat. And so to the very head. We turn our beauty over and put it on a greased baking sheet, giving it its original appearance.
Further, quite a bit. We take a needle and make punctures in several places. This will help prevent cracking during baking. We put it in a cold oven, set the temperature to 190 gr. Next to the oven we put a glass of warm boiled water. We will water the fish with it during the baking process. We open the oven for the first time after about 20 minutes, then at intervals to water it with water using a tablespoon. It takes about 50 minutes to bake everything. It also depends on the size of the fish. For readiness, I focus on the eyes: they are white and lick on the forehead. Then I take it and just grease it with mayonnaise and again in the oven until golden brown.
Carefully transfer the finished fish to a dish and decorate. Personally, I leave it on a baking sheet, cut it into portioned pieces (at the same time, the thread can be carefully and easily removed), decorate with all sorts of goodies. In principle, mine are used to seeing it on the table as a whole, the threads do not interfere with them, they deftly remove them themselves. Delicious both cold and hot. Serve with whatever you want.
I hope I didn’t tire you with my story, it’s a pity that my daughter and I didn’t think of step-by-step photography on the night before the new year (and it was already two in the morning), but I hope to fix it soon. Enjoy your meal