How to determine the presence of an ovarian cyst. Signs of an ovarian cyst How is an ovarian cyst diagnosed?

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts is necessary for women who have a suspicion of this pathology. The examination allows you to identify the type of neoplasm, the cause of its development, growth rate and other parameters. Treatment is prescribed according to the results obtained from the tests.

What is the need for diagnosis

An ovarian cyst is a benign disease and is usually diagnosed in reproductive age, more often during natural hormonal disruptions. It is a dense capsule containing liquid. Due to the increase in the volume of the latter, pathology has a tendency to constant growth.

Neoplasms differ in structure, size and other characteristics depending on their type. Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst is necessary for a woman to determine the type of pathology, the presence of concomitant diseases. Sometimes, according to the results of the examination, only observation is prescribed - this is likely in the presence of functional cysts. The most commonly prescribed drug treatment, surgery is rarely required.

In the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms, laboratory and instrumental studies are most important. Only with their help you can get the results necessary for the appointment of treatment.

Varieties of pathology

Classification of ovarian cysts is determined by the cause of their occurrence. Clinical manifestations and diagnostic results determine treatment options. There are two main groups - functional and epithelial. The first arise as a result of a failure of the monthly cycle, their types:

  1. Follicular. Appears in the absence of ovulation. It develops from an unruptured follicle. Often resolves on its own in 2-3 cycles.
  2. Yellow cyst. The result of the lack of regression of the corpus luteum before the onset of menstruation. Like the follicular, it can be absorbed in 2-3 cycles.
  3. Endometrioid. The largest of the functional ones, on average, has a size of 6-8 cm. The result of a long course of endometriosis of the uterus, its tubes and appendages. Needs therapy. An endometrioid ovarian cyst needs a differential diagnosis with epithelial neoplasms.
  4. Polycystic. Multiple lesions of the epididymis with follicular cysts. Requires hormonal treatment.

Functional types of ovarian cysts are sometimes determined without diagnosis by symptoms - delayed menstruation against the background of the absence of pregnancy, signs of hormonal imbalance.

The cause of epithelial neoplasms has not been established.

2008-02-28 14:02:18

Irina asks:

Hello. I am 20 years old. Sovem recently in gynecology was healthy. But on the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, a pedunculated cyst of the right ovary was accidentally found. Sdella ultrasound found a cyst of the right ovary cysts of the left, possibly follicular. Made a repeat. indications are different: there is no cyst of the right ovary. In the left - small follicles of increased echogenicity. Addressed to several doctors. But their methods are disturbing. Say: 1) what tests need to be done; 2) What analysis determines the type of cyst; 3) how to determine a good doctor or not. 4) on what day of the cycle should an ultrasound be done? Thank you.

Responsible Yaroshovets Natalya Sergeevna:

Good afternoon! 1) First of all, you need to visit a specialist - a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to examine you and to confirm the diagnosis, find out the cause of the formation of a cyst, you will prescribe additional studies (blood for hormones, including hCG to exclude ectopic pregnancy, a smear, tests for STDs, ultrasound in dynamics). Most cysts are caused by some hormonal imbalance. 2) The type of cyst can be established by dynamic observation using ultrasound. If your cyst turns out to be functional, it will disappear on its own within 2-3 months. If the cyst turns out to be endometrioid, hormonal therapy is indicated, and then laparoscopy; dermoid - treatment will be operational. 3) You can determine a good doctor based on your personal feelings from communication and on the recommendations of friends and relatives. Do not forget that if something does not suit you in the doctor, you can always turn to another specialist. 4) Ultrasound should be carried out in dynamics, in different phases of the cycle, for 2-3 months. It is desirable to carry out these studies on the same apparatus and, accordingly, by one doctor. Watch, heal and be healthy!

2010-03-01 18:39:05

Irina asks:

Hello! Dear doctors, I really need expert advice on this issue:
I was born in 1984 (full 25 years old) I have a very desired third pregnancy: the first ended with the birth of a son in 2004, the second with a vacuum for a period of 3 weeks in June 2007 (at that time I had 3 b dysplasia and doctors did not recommend developing a pregnancy, as "bad" cells were also actively developing. There was also papilloma type 16. Dysplasia was cured - a long-term use of various drugs and a laser as a result. After a six-month intake of hormones "Janine", which I finished at the end of October 2009. The doctor said that I was absolutely healthy and ready to conceive a child.All tests are excellent.) The last menstruation was on January 3, 2010. The cycle is not stable yet - jumped from 27 to 33 days - the last 33 days. Penultimate 31 days. It is difficult to accurately determine the date of ovulation. Presumably in the 20th-25th of January. Sexual intercourse was on January 20 and also somewhere on February 1-3 - I don’t remember exactly. unfortunately. Frau-test showed a weak, barely visible second strip on February 7th. At the same time, for a week there was severe fatigue, frequent urination, an acute sense of smell. On February 8, the result of transvaginal ultrasound - the cervix 40mm, dimensions 55x46x44 mm, endometrium 12mm secretory. the uterine cavity is not deformed, the right ovary is 25x17 mm, the structure is follicular, the left one is 40x28, the structure is follicular, it contains a corpus luteum in the form of a 2x0 (-) formation 18x20 mm - it’s hard to make out here, but it seems that everything was written correctly. The result - a repeat after a while - the ultrasound diagnostician said that this is a pregnancy up to 2 weeks if the test is positive. Ultrasound 24.02.2010 - the number of fetuses 1 diameter of the fetal egg 14x12 mm, the condition of the uterine appendages - the corpus luteum in the left ovary in the form of 2x0 (-) images. x20mm (or 220mm?), features of the elements of the fetal egg are not determined. conclusion - 3 weeks, anembryony? and still can't make out the word. but the diagnostician said that another formation of the cyst type seems to be developing on the left ovary. and this anembryony is almost 100% nowhere to pull - for cleaning. maximum - repeat ultrasound in a week. The gynecologist did not even look at the results of the ultrasound, at the word anembryony - the cleaning said right away - do not wait until the bleeding opens - at your own peril and risk, wait for the repetition of the ultrasound in a week. but then definitely cleaning. I also had spotting discharge of a brownish-brown color (not bloody, but just such a dirty brown color) the first time on February 20, the second and third on February 21 - but a little and the consistency of ordinary discharge (a little - this is literally a spot 2x1cm smearing) - never for everything time did not bother any pain, nothing ached - neither the stomach nor the back. there were also blood staining of the discharge after intercourse in early February - I mistakenly took them for the onset of menstruation - but they were also few and disposable, of a homogeneous consistency (painted over less than half of the daily pad.) The child is very desirable, I am very afraid of abortion, and more - its possible consequences. I don’t know whether to do the third ultrasound at such an early date - maybe this will provoke problems ?? But it’s also scary to wear a frozen burden - so as not to cause consequences and then not be able to get pregnant and give birth at all. or again year after year to be treated. What tests can I still take - how long can I wait, because I'm only worried about the usual "pregnant signs" and the discharge is normal. Only the stomach is growing very fast for some reason, as if not for a short period, but for the 4th month already. And it still doesn't bother me at all. 3 more tests showed confident 2 strips. I look forward to your opinions and advice. My doctor said "no one will save this, if the pregnancy begins with such problems, it must be eliminated - and then get pregnant again for health, this is not such a terrible problem." And for us, this is our desired baby with my husband .... And also, if possible, tell me what sedatives you can drink in this situation - the fifth day is all in tears. Sorry for being so detailed and Thank you so much in advance for your advice.

Responsible Strelko Galina Vladimirovna:

Dear Irina! To determine how well the pregnancy develops, it is necessary to do a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin (CG). In the early stages (up to 7 weeks from the last menstruation), the level of this hormone doubles every day - two. Thus, with a normally developing pregnancy, in 2-3 days it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability whether the level of hCG is increasing correctly, and, accordingly, whether the pregnancy is developing correctly. Visualization of the fetal egg on ultrasound becomes possible with hCG values ​​of 1000 or more (usually 4 weeks from the moment of fertilization). Without accurate data on the date of ovulation and the level of hCG at the time of the examination, it is difficult to interpret the ultrasound data. It makes sense to keep the pregnancy in its normal development (with the correct growth of hCG). If pregnancy does not develop, spontaneous abortion will begin sooner or later. Sometimes it can be accompanied by heavy bleeding, soreness. Parts of the fetal egg can remain in the uterine cavity, causing prolonged bleeding and inflammatory complications. If the diagnosis of "non-developing pregnancy" is established, curettage of the uterine cavity is really recommended, including in order to examine the resulting material for the presence of genetic abnormalities (to determine at least one of the possible reasons for stopping the development of pregnancy).
Regarding sedatives - you can use herbal preparations (Valerian, Persen, etc.).

2009-05-29 21:42:17

Irina asks:

Good afternoon.
in October 2008 I treated inflammation (citraferon, suppositories) no infections were found. In January, having made a planned ultrasound, the doctor discovered the formation of low echogenicity 40 (mm) - "chocolate cyst". (End of cycle). Turning to the gynecologist on the 1st day of the cycle, after transvaginal ultrasound, a diagnosis of a homogeneous high-density echoplot formation 26 by 24 mm was diagnosed. Treatment: Diana 35 - 3 months = oncomarker CA-125. (result 31.4).

After five months of treatment, repeated transvaginal tuzi showed (on the 7th day of menstruation) that the formation increased 33 * 30 * 26.
The gynecologist, without additional tests, diagnosed Endomitrious cystoma of the ovary without positive dynamics. Treatment: operative surgery.
Taking into account the fact that I didn’t have abortions, didn’t give birth, I’m scared to go for an operation. The question is: how could a doctor determine that education is CYSTOM? and also endromitrosis? what are the reasons for the occurrence (she did not suffer from infectious diseases before, she was regularly checked by doctors), Are the sizes of the cyst indicated above critical for the operation? Where to go for the operation? and whether sick leave is given for this type of operation. thanks in advance

Responsible Chubaty Andrey Ivanovich:

Good afternoon. The doctor correctly diagnosed "Kistoma". Any formation in the area of ​​the appendages that does not respond to treatment within 3-4 months is subject only to surgical treatment, regardless of size.

An ovarian cyst is a neoplasm, which in most cases is benign. A tumor grows from the tissues of the ovary itself. Translated from Greek, cyst means "bubble filled with fluid." The cyst begins to form at the site of a non-ruptured follicle, and inside it contains a fluid that is produced by the cell walls of the tumor itself. The size of the cyst depends on how much fluid accumulates in the cyst itself as a result of the work of the cells of this neoplasm. Although the cyst itself does not harm the body, in 1% of cases, cyst cells can develop into cancerous tumors, although these cells themselves do not have the ability to multiply. How is the diagnosis of ovarian cysts carried out and what methods of such examinations are the best, let's analyze in the article! But before that, you need to learn about the symptoms of this disease in order to be sure that you need to seek help.


In the initial stages, the cyst does not cause any discomfort and does not give any symptoms. The formation of a cyst in the initial stages does not disrupt the menstrual cycle, so it is possible to detect a tumor only through a gynecological examination and regular diagnostics.

Even an experienced gynecologist at the earliest stages of cyst formation cannot always accurately determine the neoplasm, since at first the tumor has a minimal size, and the fluid in it accumulates extremely slowly.

The main symptom that indicates the presence of a cyst in the ovary is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen. The menstrual cycle in the presence of a cyst is disturbed and passes with unpleasant painful sensations.

The following symptoms are also possible, indicating the presence of an ovarian cyst, namely:

  • sharp and prolonged pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the abdomen during intercourse;
  • frequent urination, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • excess weight gain;
  • unreasonable vomiting and nauseating urges;
  • high body temperature (up to 39 o C);
  • palpitations, sometimes tachycardia.

If the cyst is not diagnosed and treated in time, then it can grow to an impressive size and cause disruption of the internal organs. In some cases, in the absence of proper diagnosis and treatment, the tumor can break away from the ovary and enter the abdominal cavity, causing serious complications - peritonitis. Therefore, when diagnosing a cyst, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to start treatment on time.


At the slightest suspicion of an ovarian cyst, a diagnosis should be made immediately. During the examination, the doctor accurately determines at what stage the tumor is, how mobile it is, and how close it is to other internal organs of the pelvis.

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts occurs according to the following scheme, which includes the following steps.

  1. Anamnesis. At this stage of diagnosing an ovarian cyst, the doctor collects information about the patient's diseases, finds out what he complains about and what symptoms he has. It is also important to know about the presence of abortions, operations on the uterus, the stability of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Examination by a gynecologist. This procedure provides the doctor with information about the general condition of the woman's reproductive organs, their size, and the condition of the ovaries. In the early stages of a gynecological examination, a gynecologist can identify an incipient tumor.
  3. Tests for tumor markers and hormones. These tests are given in order to exclude cancer and the wrong level of hormones in the body of a woman.
  4. Pregnancy tests. Often, an ectopic pregnancy in the initial stages is identical to the formation of a cyst, has the same symptoms and can be confused with a tumor.
  5. Ultrasound diagnostics. When diagnosing ovarian cysts, two types of ultrasound are used: one is superficial, which gives a general picture of the state of the uterus and ovaries, and the second when a special sensor is inserted into the vagina. This study allows you to determine the diagnosis as accurately as possible, understand what caused the cyst, determine its size and type.
  6. Doppler color mapping. This method allows you to see if there is bleeding in the cyst and how much it is. Also, this method can distinguish a benign tumor from a cancerous one.
  7. Computed tomography of the ovaries. An extremely effective method for diagnosing ovarian cysts. Shows a reliable image and accurately determines the presence of a cyst.
  8. Laparoscopy. This method is surgical, and allows you to see the cyst in close proximity, and if necessary, remove it.

The best methods for diagnosing ovarian cysts

Ultrasound procedure

Ultrasound is the most effective and safest method for examining the pelvic organs, being an indispensable way to obtain information about the entire reproductive system. Using the ultrasound method, the doctor can quickly and efficiently examine the ovaries, their condition and size. If the patient has suspicions of a tumor, then he immediately needs to be diagnosed with an ovarian cyst.

Preparing for an ultrasound

To obtain accurate and informative information from the ultrasound, the patient must prepare for it.

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts is carried out by two methods:

  • transvaginally (through the introduction of a special sensor into the vagina);
  • transabdominally (through the surface of the skin of the abdomen).

Often, doctors do a transabdominal ultrasound. In order for the diagnosis to show the most accurate information, a few days before the procedure, the patient needs to refuse food that can cause an increase in gases in the intestines. In the morning, on the day of the ultrasound examination, the patient should drink the sorbent. Also, during a transabdominal examination, the patient should have a full bladder. To do this, you need to drink a liter of any liquid without gases an hour before the ultrasound.

Before a transvaginal examination, the patient's bladder, on the contrary, should be empty. It is this method of conducting ultrasound that is the most accurate. These two methods of diagnosing ovarian cysts complement each other, however, it is the doctor who must correctly choose which ultrasound method is needed in a particular situation.


During the transabdominal ultrasound examination, the patient is located on the couch. A colorless gel is applied to the lower abdomen and the examination procedure begins. Thanks to a special sensor, all information is displayed on the screen in the form of a monochrome video with a high frame rate, which allows you to assess the state of the internal organs of the pelvis.

During a transvaginal examination, the patient sits on a special gynecological chair, and a special probe is inserted into her vagina. All information is also displayed on the monitor. After the ultrasound is completed, the doctor writes down the information received in a special protocol.

Ultrasound results

During the ultrasound, the doctor carefully examines all the organs belonging to the reproductive system. In the normal state, the ovaries are evenly distributed on both sides of the uterus, are clearly visible on ultrasound and have an echogenic shape. The doctor can easily determine whether the patient has a cyst or not. On the monitor, the tumor appears as a dark spot with thin walls.

Even if a woman has an ovarian cyst, this may not always indicate the presence of pathology. There are several neoplasms that a woman needs for the normal operation of the entire reproductive system. Such formations are absolutely safe for health and do not need treatment.

If an ultrasound examination shows the presence of inactive cysts, then it is recommended to re-examine after a certain time. This approach helps to determine how the tumor has changed over time in terms of structure and size. Often these cysts are removed by surgery.

Ultrasound is an indispensable source of information about the entire reproductive system of a woman. Nowadays, it can be done both in free municipal medical institutions and in various clinics. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics of the ovaries at least once a year in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

How much does an ovarian ultrasound cost?

As a rule, ultrasound is not a free procedure, but in some clinics it can be done free of charge, thanks to a medical policy that covers all costs during the examination. There is also an appointment for a free ultrasound in municipal clinics, however, in this case, you need to wait in line and come on a certain day. Sometimes it is possible to wait more than 1 month for the examination.

Average prices for ovarian ultrasound in private clinics: 1500 rubles (from 1100 to 2500 rubles on average in Moscow, and in the regions, as a rule, cheaper).

Computed tomography of the ovaries

Computed tomography (CT) of the ovaries is an effective differential method in the diagnosis of ovarian cysts. The technique is based on scanning the abdomen and small pelvis with radiation waves using a layer-by-layer method. Waves pass in three planes of the abdomen with a frequency of 1-2 mm. As a result, an accurate picture of the pelvic organs is created.

A referral for computed tomography of the ovaries is issued by a gynecologist in the following cases:

  • the initial examination indicated a pathology in the ovaries;
  • the patient complains of prolonged pain in the lower abdomen;
  • there is pain during intercourse.

Indications and contraindications

Computed tomography is done mainly for older women to prevent problems and pathologies in the reproductive system. In old age, tumors develop most actively, and the cyst is no exception. For young girls, computed tomography of the ovaries is prescribed only in extreme cases.

During the diagnosis, the doctor determines:

  • the presence or absence of tumors, both benign and malignant;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • consequences of injuries, hematomas, tissue ruptures in the reproductive system;
  • vascular problems;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes.

Computed tomography of the ovaries is categorically not recommended during pregnancy, since radiation, even at the smallest doses, is harmful to the fetus. It is also not recommended to diagnose women with kidney failure and any endocrine diseases.


Before starting an ovarian CT scan, you need to prepare to reduce any risks. Before the procedure, the patient should exclude from the diet any foods that cause gas formation. The safest before the procedure is lean meat, vegetables, fruits. If the patient has problems with stool, it is recommended to drink a laxative a day before the tomography, sometimes an enema. The bladder must be full during the examination.


The patient lies on a special table, which is then sent to the tomograph. The tomograph, rapidly rotating around, passes special rays through the body. Sensors receive the signal from the scanner and convert it into an image, creating an accurate picture of the organs. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

When examined using computed tomography, the patient does not feel any discomfort, but in rare cases, mild nausea may occur. If the patient is very ill, then the examination stops and the person takes antihistamines.

This method accurately builds the entire picture of the pelvic organs, giving doctors accurate information about the structure and all deviations. Thanks to computed tomography of the ovaries, a cyst of 2-3 mm in size can be detected. The procedure is relatively safe and does not cause pain.

The main disadvantage of computed tomography is the effect of radiation on the human body. But since the dosage during tomography is extremely small, the procedure cannot cause harm to health. If re-diagnosis by computed tomography is required, it is recommended to take a break of several months or completely replace this procedure with a radiologically safe one.

How much does an ovarian CT scan cost?

As a rule, computed tomography is done only in regional cities in well-known public and private clinics. This diagnosis is sent in cases where it is necessary to accurately control the stage of treatment of cysts, oncology and other diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as in cases where primary examinations could not provide the necessary information about the pelvic organs. Free computed tomography of the pelvis is not done.

Average prices for CT of the pelvic organs (separate ovarian tomography is not performed) in private clinics: 5000 rubles (from 3200 to 8900 rubles) in Moscow, a little cheaper in the regions.

This site is dedicated to such a very common disease as a cyst. A cyst can occur on almost any organ in both humans and animals. We will consider in detail the types of cysts and the features of the manifestation of the disease in various organs.

By its nature, a cyst, (from the Greek "bubble") is a benign formation, a cavity of pathological origin, located in tissues or organs. The cyst has a certain structure: a wall and contents. The sizes of cysts and their contents differ depending on where they are formed, on the age of formation and on the mechanism of origin.

Types of cysts

Consider cysts according to the mechanism of formation:

The size of the cyst, the contents and structure of the wall are different depending on the mechanism and duration of formation, localization
Cystic formations are benign processes.

Causes of cysts include infections, chronic inflammation, organ injury, impaired tissue fluid metabolism, and genetic predisposition.

Cyst symptoms

A cyst in the human body makes itself felt mainly when it "grows" to a certain size or in case of complications against its background.
Large cysts put pressure on the organ itself, in which they are located, on the vessels, nerves and tissues.
The signs of a cyst in this case include pain, dysfunction of the organ in which the cyst is located. In this case, pain may be felt, signs of dysfunction of the organ affected by the cyst.

If a cyst is formed in a vital organ, then it begins to manifest itself even if it has a small size (several millimeters).
Complications of the cyst include: torsion of the leg, rupture and suppuration. Such processes are manifested, accompanied by a sharp pain in the area of ​​​​the cyst (for example, with an ovarian cyst). With suppuration of the cyst, the body temperature rises, there is a throbbing pain in the organ. If the cyst is located on the surface of the skin, this area turns red and a local increase in temperature occurs.

Diagnosis of a cyst

Depending on the location of the cyst, it can be detected independently. For example, cysts of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are usually visible to the naked eye. Cysts of the mammary gland (breast) can be felt on palpation.
Cysts on internal organs are much more difficult to detect because they may not produce any symptoms.

Cysts often remain hidden and are first discovered from studies associated with other diseases (X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging).
The most common method for diagnosing a cyst is an ultrasound. Ultrasound is the study of organs and tissues using ultrasonic "waves". In the process of ultrasound diagnostics, the sensor captures all changes in the tissues, translating them into a graphic image. The ultrasound method is simple and affordable, has no contraindications.

For the diagnosis of cysts, computed and magnetic resonance imaging is used. Analysis of tomograms with high accuracy shows the relationship of neoplasms in the tissues of the organ with certain organs and structures, and also allows you to distinguish the contents of the cyst by density.
Endoscopic methods in the diagnosis of cysts are considered as a way to obtain pathological material for morphological studies.

A biopsy is an invasive, informative examination of a cyst in which pieces of tissue for examination are obtained using special methods. Cytological examination of the tissue sample obtained by this method morphological diagnosis of formations and cysts, The diagnosis of cysts is immediately confirmed by puncture

Cyst treatment

Depending on the location and size of the cyst, there are different treatments. Large cysts with severe symptoms are removed surgically. There is also a puncture method, in which a cyst is punctured and the fluid inside is removed.

Some types of cysts can resolve without medical intervention. But for this it is necessary to accurately diagnose the nature of the cyst.
It is very important to see a doctor for examination and further diagnosis as soon as you know or suspect that you have a cyst. It is also recommended to conduct preventive medical examinations to identify "asymptomatic" cystic formations.

What is an ovarian cyst, what are its symptoms and treatment, and when it can resolve on its own - all this will be discussed further. An ovarian cyst is a hollow formation with liquid contents. The growth of some cysts is due to hormonal disorders, while others are present from birth and are activated only under the influence of some factor.

Why and how does an ovarian cyst dissolve?

With an ovarian cyst, treatment (conservative or surgical) is required. Only functional formations are not subject to treatment, since ovarian cysts of a functional type resolve in most situations on their own or after a treatment course of hormonal drugs. Cysts can rupture and twist.

An acute situation requires urgent surgical intervention. Certain types of formations are capable of degenerating into malignant ones. In this regard, all formations of a non-functional type (that is, developed due to malfunctions in the functioning of the ovary) are subject to mandatory removal. However, the absence of positive dynamics in terms of resorption in a functional formation over a 3-month period is also the basis for prescribing removal.

What does a functional ovarian cyst mean?

A functional ovarian cyst (corpus luteum) develops as a benign formation after the maturation of the egg. The structure of the FCC is smooth walls and a rounded shape. It is located inside the body or on its surface. FCC can reach various sizes. Often in diameter, it does not exceed a few millimeters. But it happens that during the examination, neoplasms are found that are quite large, reaching cm in diameter. Such a situation, of course, is considered dangerous for its consequences.

A small outgrowth in the ovary rarely poses a threat to health. Often, the formation resolves and self-destructs after 2-4 complete cycles of menstruation. A large cyst is worth fearing, since there is always a risk of its rupture. In addition, a large outgrowth presses on nearby tissues, which leads to various disorders and a feeling of discomfort.

Why do cysts form? The mechanism of development of this pathology is not fully known to medicine. However, medical professionals have data on a number of factors that provoke the development of such education.

The main reason is hormonal failure - an increase in the content of estrogens in the body. Hyperestrogenism contributes to the appearance of an anovulatory cycle. The latter is a fertile background for the development of cysts.

There are many risk factors that have different effects on the content of sex hormones in a woman's body and on the state of immunity in general. For example, such factors can be considered:

  • abortion;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs (including emergency contraception);
  • thyroid disease;
  • acute and chronic forms of infections in the small pelvis (including venereal), arising from the frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the patient's lifestyle also greatly affects the functions of the endocrine system: excessive physical fatigue, mental strain, regular lack of sleep, stress;
  • congenital anomalies as a result of the effect on the fetus of the mother's hormones in the prenatal period or at the time of breastfeeding.

Pathology often develops among women whose reproductive function is at the peak of its activity. However, nothing prevents the cyst from appearing in patients with an early onset of menopause.

Where does a cyst usually occur? FCC in the left ovary is much more common in gynecological practice. This has a direct relationship with the physiological manifestations of the female genital area. The thing is that the rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature egg often happens precisely in the epididymis on the left. Another condition is the proximity of the intestinal loops with the ovary, from the thin walls of which the infection can easily penetrate the tissue of the reproductive organ. Less often, FCC is diagnosed in the right ovary. Similarly, here too, education can occur due to infection. And on this side there is an appendix, the inflammation of which leads to various diseases of the right uterine appendage (including cystosis).

By what signs can FCC be recognized?

Most often, the presence of such a formation is not accompanied by pronounced manifestations. But they reveal it on a planned ultrasound in a random order. And only a significant size of the cyst can cause the appearance of symptoms. In this case, unpleasant sensations are caused due to squeezing of organs and their tissues. So, what is the clinical picture of the presence of a functional cyst in the ovary?

The signs of a functional cyst are as follows. The first thing that the patient begins to feel is pain in the lower abdomen of varying degrees of intensity. Pain can be both constant and episodic. Soreness is usually felt from the side of the ovary, in which the outgrowth has formed.

The growth of the cyst provokes a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the lower abdominal cavity.

A functional ovarian cyst may be accompanied by other symptoms that indirectly signal the presence of an extraneous formation. What are these signs? Usually these include failures in the menstrual cycle. For example, a delay in menstruation or a change in the nature of menstrual flow. Menstruation in some women becomes more abundant, accompanied by pain. Others, on the contrary, begin to celebrate meager periods with a small amount of secreted mucus, which takes on the character of a "daub". Bloody discharge can be observed in such a situation in the intermenstrual period. Bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle is an alarming signal. Having such signs, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. Early identification of the problem is the key to its easy and quick elimination.

How are functional cysts treated?

Treatment with conservative methods. The choice of a conservative treatment path is due to the initial stage of the development of FCC: small size of the formation, low growth rate, and the absence of complications.

In the presence of single outgrowths of small sizes, therapy may not be required at all. Regular visits to the doctor for examination is an important condition in order to notice changes in a timely manner.

The schedule and treatment regimen is prescribed by the attending physician. He usually prescribes hormone-based drugs (modern contraceptives). Such drugs block the functions of follicle-stimulating hormone and stop the process of maturation of gametes. The altered organ has time to regenerate its structures. Taking hormonal contraceptives is also necessary for prevention purposes to exclude the appearance of new cysts.

One of the most effective hormonal drugs is currently recognized as the drug Duphaston.

It helps to equalize the hormonal balance, reduce the size of the formation. The process of inflammation that has begun is the basis for the appointment of antibiotics and immunomodulators.

Treatment with surgical methods. A small cyst can be removed by puncture. Why the doctor makes a puncture in the abdominal wall and inserts a long needle through it. So he extracts the cyst fluid, which is sent to the laboratory for research. The walls of the formation do not stick together.

Laparoscopy allows you to eliminate formations of large sizes. The technique has a number of advantages. For example, excision of the formation is carried out through miniature incisions on the peritoneum, which does not need to be opened completely.

Laparotomy is required in the most difficult situations. Indications for abdominal surgery are diagnosed large cysts, suspicion of their malignancy, inflammatory process with pus.

With such a procedure, the doctor has a complete overview of the problematic picture that the patient has, which allows high-quality manipulations (for example, to clean tissues from pus).

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How is an ovarian cyst resolved?

An ovarian cyst can appear in a woman at any age. Atheroma is a small formation filled with fluid and attached to the wall of the ovary. At a certain period of the monthly cycle, the follicle ruptures and an egg appears from it, ready for fertilization. This is how ovulation occurs.

If the body failed, and ovulation did not work, pregnancy does not occur. In place of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum appears, releasing progesterone. After a certain period of time, the formation resolves, and the body continues to function normally.


Throughout life, a woman on the internal genital organs can form many different cysts. In the ovaries, formations appear mainly due to hormonal failure. It is hormones that can bring down the course of natural processes and make serious adjustments. Doctors note that women who are in menopause, or young girls whose menstrual cycle is just beginning to be established, are most susceptible to the occurrence of cysts. Women who have given birth two or more times are more protected in this regard.

The causes of the appearance of cystic vesicles can be:

  • Malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • Violation of the hormonal background;
  • Obesity;
  • Various injuries of the internal genital organs;
  • The appearance of benign or oncological tumors;
  • All kinds of infections;
  • Passing inflammatory process of the genitourinary system;
  • A sharp drop in immunity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Frequent nervous tension, stress;
  • Long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • Change of climatic conditions;
  • Poor quality food.

Signs of a cyst

In order to recognize the occurrence of any gynecological disease in time, a woman must carefully monitor her health. Any deviation from the norm primarily affects the menstrual cycle, so doctors recommend keeping a special calendar with marked dates for the arrival of menstruation.

The occurrence of the following symptoms should alert a woman:

  • Failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • Periodic or persistent pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation, accompanied by severe pain;
  • The duration of menstruation is more than seven days;
  • Discharge with streaks of blood after the end of the cycle.

Usually cysts appear with periodic inflammatory processes of the ovaries and appendages. After the complete treatment of the process, the tissues on the ovaries become less elastic and these formations appear on them faster.

Varieties of cysts

Depending on the causes and symptoms, doctors distinguish the following types of atheromas:


In the medical literature, there is such a thing as endometriosis. It arises in this way: everything that is inside the uterus is called the endometrium. During the menstrual cycle, it thickens and prepares for fertilization. If, for some reason, the egg is not fertilized and conception does not occur, the endometrium begins to be rejected by the uterus. This is how menstruation starts. In certain cases, the endometrium can be located outside the uterus, and then endometriosis occurs.

These neoplasms provoke an inflammatory process that can lead to infertility. Atheroma begins to form on the surface of the ovary and becomes larger after each menstrual cycle. Outwardly, it resembles a bubble with a dark brown liquid, which, having reached a certain size, can burst. With this development of events, all the fluid splashes into the abdominal cavity.

The endometrial cyst is viewed using an ultrasound machine, and looks like a light spot on a dark background. This type of atheroma can be confused with the corpus luteum, outwardly they are a little similar. Therefore, if a bright spot is found in the pictures, the doctor decides to wait a couple of months, and then proceed to treatment. The formation of the corpus luteum mostly goes away on its own, and by taking repeated pictures in two months, the gynecologist will see a decrease or complete disappearance of the formation. If the atheroma has not disappeared, but rather increased in size, a decision is made on surgical intervention.

To the question of whether an endometrial ovarian cyst can resolve, the gynecologist will answer unequivocally - no. Moreover, delaying the operation can significantly complicate the situation. After the surgical intervention, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment with hormonal drugs.

The causes of endometrial formation can be:

  • abortions;
  • obesity;
  • bad habits, in particular smoking;
  • long-term use of the spiral as a means of contraception;
  • malfunction of the immune system;
  • bad ecology.

Most often, endometrial atheromas occur in nulliparous women.


A paraovarian cyst grows near the fallopian tube or near the ovary. This type of formation does not reach large sizes, and is found on a routine examination of a woman. Such an atheroma can form from particles of embryological tissues or from the remains of an egg. A paraovarian cyst is not a big threat to a woman's life.

Symptoms of the manifestation of this type of formation may be discomfort during intercourse, periodic mild pain at any time of the menstrual cycle.

This type of cyst does not resolve itself, usually hormonal therapy is prescribed for its treatment. Surgical intervention is performed in rare cases, when the formation becomes very large.


The follicular cyst belongs to the category of benign tumors. It is formed from the follicle and filled with estrogen fluid inside. Basically, it occurs due to the lack of ovulation. In size, the neoplasm can reach about 10 centimeters.

The main symptoms of the occurrence of follicular atheroma can be:

  • Menstruation lasts more than a week and is characterized by copious discharge;
  • After sexual intercourse, discharge with streaks of blood is observed;
  • The menstrual cycle is accompanied by severe pain;
  • The body temperature rises.

Follicular cysts appear on both ovaries. If the size does not exceed 4 centimeters, atheroma can resolve on its own after several menstrual cycles.

With great physical exertion, large follicular cysts can burst. It can also occur during pregnancy, active sexual life.


The cause of the dermoid cyst is the embryonic germ. Scientists have not yet figured out the cause of the disease. This cyst develops very slowly, and at the beginning of its formation does not cause any trouble to the woman.

A dermoid cyst looks like a sac in which nails, hair, and bones are collected. The bag has a round shape, and does not exceed 7 centimeters in size. If the cyst has reached a large size, it begins to disturb the woman. This is manifested in general malaise, pain in the lower abdomen.

You can see the cause of poor health when examining the patient on an ultrasound machine. Over time, the tumor displaces healthy tissue from the ovary, and eventually completely captures the entire ovary. Due to the appearance of a dermoid cyst, ovarian torsion may occur.

In modern medicine, there is no drug treatment for this type of cyst. It cannot dissolve on its own, and therefore the gynecologist always directs the patient for surgery. Women of any age can be at risk. The sooner the operation is performed, the fewer complications will occur.


A benign tumor contains serous fluid. The cyst can grow to any size. When a serous cyst occurs, a woman experiences severe pain during menstruation, pressure on the bladder, pulls in the lumbar region. With a large serous cyst, the abdomen may swell slightly on the side where the disease arose.

Very rarely, the formation develops into a malignant one. The following factors may contribute to this:

  • promiscuity;
  • the appearance of an inflammatory process after an abortion;
  • advanced sexually transmitted diseases;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system.

Independently serous atheroma does not resolve. If the diagnosis reveals the initial stage of the disease, the gynecologist prescribes drug therapy, but if the formation has reached a large size and worries the woman, the doctor sends the patient for surgery.

When any type of cyst is found, the patient is first of all interested in the gynecologist - how the ovarian cyst resolves and whether this is possible in her particular case. The doctor objectively assesses the situation and prescribes medication or surgery. Timely diagnosis and the right treatment are important for successful treatment of the disease.

Can an ovarian cyst resolve on its own?

A benign formation on the ovary with fluid inside is called a cyst. Her women are diagnosed very often. Those who have been affected by this are very concerned about the question: can the cyst resolve itself? Each representative of the weaker sex should understand this in detail.

Which cysts resolve without treatment

There is a large list of types of formations. Some tumors are actually resorbable. However, most types still require treatment, either surgical or conservative. Certain types of cysts without medical intervention can transform into malignant tumors. In addition, the formation can twist or rupture, which causes complications and poses a real health hazard.

There are several symptoms common to all types of cysts:

  1. Pain. If a woman has a tumor, she may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen. Pain is aggravated during sex. If the cyst ruptures or twists, the pain becomes acute.
  2. Frequent and painful urination. This symptom is manifested if, during development, the tumor presses the bladder.
  3. The menstrual cycle is disrupted. Menstruation may not come on time or be absent, be excessively painful, plentiful.

According to statistics, the disease can appear due to:

  • frequent surgical interventions, especially abortions;
  • inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal failure;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • early onset of menstruation;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • obesity.

The cyst may be:

  • follicular;
  • paraovarian;
  • endometrioid;
  • yellow body;
  • mucinous;
  • dermoid (with bone or adipose tissue inside).

functional cyst

This type is the most common. Typical for women of childbearing age. Two types of tumors are called functional: follicular and corpus luteum. They are formed from tissues that form during ovulation. If this process proceeds normally, then when the egg leaves the ovary, a mucous sac appears there. It should resolve itself after a certain time. If this does not happen, FCC develops, in which serous fluid and blood accumulate. It is worth talking about two of its types in more detail.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

Instead of a ruptured follicle in which the egg was, a specific tissue appears. Progesterone is produced in the corpus luteum, thus the body prepares for the likelihood of becoming pregnant. If it doesn't, it disappears. If there was any failure, then the corpus luteum remains, it is gradually filled with blood, serous fluid. Can such a cyst resolve itself? Yes, as a rule, this process takes a couple of months. If this did not happen, and the formation has grown too much, which will be noticeable on ultrasound, treatment should be started.


It is formed if the follicle has not ruptured, that is, ovulation has not occurred. In most cases, hormonal imbalance is the cause. Strongly follicular education does not grow. Can a cyst resolve itself if it is of this type? Yes, its contents gradually disappear, the cavity decreases and disappears. However, if it does not resolve for more than two months or reaches a diameter of more than five to seven centimeters, you should immediately contact a specialist who will do an ultrasound scan, conduct tests and prescribe treatment.

Retention cyst during pregnancy

So called functional (yellow body, follicular) and paraovarian formations. They will never turn into malignant, have a thin transparent wall - on this basis, these species are combined into one group. As mentioned above, functional-type tumors resolve themselves. Paraovarian, which is formed not on the ovary itself, but on its appendage, does not go away on its own. It grows very slowly and is removed surgically.

A paraovarian cyst on the ovary during pregnancy does not cause any discomfort to the expectant mother in most cases. The only danger is that it can break or twist. It is preferable to get rid of such a tumor before pregnancy. If this did not happen and fertilization has already happened, then education must be carefully monitored. A pregnant patient should be regularly observed by a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Can an ovarian cyst be cured without surgery?

If the tumor has not resolved itself or is of the type that does not disappear naturally, the altered tissues still need to be disposed of. Doctors offer medical and surgical methods of treatment. The latter is not required for all types of tumors. Many are wondering how to get rid of ovarian cysts without surgery. There are options in both traditional and alternative medicine.

Medical treatment

If the cyst has not resolved or is not functional, then after the examination, the woman may be prescribed an operation to remove it or hormonal drugs that improve the functioning of the ovaries. Medical treatment is advisable for two to three months. You will need to do an operation if the tumor does not resolve during this time. A woman can be prescribed such drugs:

  1. Gestagens. Preparations with progesterone or other sex hormones - Duphaston, Utrozhestan.
  2. Oral contraceptives are single or biphasic. They help stabilize the menstrual cycle, make cysts smaller in size, and prevent the appearance of new ones. This group includes Yarina, Lindinet, Logest, Triquilar, Marvelon and many other birth control pills.
  3. Vitamins of groups B, C, A, E.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
  5. Homeopathic medicines.

Folk remedies

These effective recipes will help you with this:

  1. Mix 25 grams of boron uterus grass in vodka (0.5 l). Leave in the dark for a couple of weeks. Three times a day, drink a teaspoon one hour before eating.
  2. In 2 tbsp. l. boron uterus pour 500 ml of boiling water. Boil on a steam bath for half an hour. Pour into a thermos, let it brew a little. Remove the cake, drink 30 ml five times a day. Course - 24 days, then. It is followed by a break for 5 days. The upland uterus is very effective in many female diseases.
  3. Scroll 0.25 kg of viburnum berries in a meat grinder. Add 125 ml of nettle and aloe juices, 250 g of honey. Mix it all, eat 1 tsp. in the morning. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

How does an ovarian cyst come out during menstruation

Follicular formations have their own life cycle. Can an ovarian cyst resolve on its own? Yes, if it happened while taking drugs. The second option is that the tissues come out naturally: during the next menstruation, a woman finds that the discharge has become too liquid, and their color has changed and become a little lighter. There may also be clots coming out. These are particles of the tumor shell. Pain during menstruation with the release of education to be stronger than usual.

Can an ovarian cyst resolve after menopause?

For women of childbearing age, it is important that there is such an opportunity. Can a functional ovarian cyst resolve itself if the lady is already menopausal? It happens, but very rarely. This is likely if a woman developed a functional tumor while menstruating, and menopause began already with her. With menopause, which has come a long time ago, the appearance of such formations is impossible due to the absence of menstruation. In women with menopause, there can be any other cyst on the ovary, except for a functional one. Such outgrowths do not dissolve.


The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only. The materials of the site do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Is it possible for cystic formation to resolve on its own over time?

Does the cyst resolve on its own?

Many women are often interested in whether the cyst resolves on its own? Let's try to figure this out.

Formations are classified by type - follicular and luteal, as well as by number - single and multiple. Single cysts occur as a result of hormonal disorders, neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene, or diseases of the genital organs. Multiple cysts form gradually, they are the result of neglected inflammation.

Solitary functional tumors can resolve without assistance. They do not have pronounced symptoms, so a woman can find out about their existence by chance, during an ultrasound examination. Such formations are easily amenable to drug treatment. In some cases, doctors decide to take a wait-and-see approach. At this time, the cyst is closely monitored. If after a few months the formation does not disappear on its own, doctors resort to conservative treatment. Since this type of therapy involves taking hormonal drugs, it is contraindicated for pregnant women. If the doctor suspects torsion or rupture of the cyst, the formation is removed promptly.

Many gynecologists argue that benign formations do not cause any trouble for many patients. They do not hurt, do not worsen a woman's well-being, and also do not affect her reproductive function. Since the tumor for the most part does not have specific manifestations, the girls who develop it do not have to guess about its presence.

In some girls, the tumor can cause changes in the menstrual cycle, resulting in delays. But disruptions in menstruation are provoked by many factors, so only a doctor can determine the true cause of the delay during a routine gynecological examination or after testing for hormone levels.

Sometimes patients feel pain in the lower abdomen. But this manifestation of a cyst can alert only those women whose periods are completely painless.

If such a tumor has a stalk, it can pose a threat to the health of the patient. The fact is that the leg of the tumor tends to twist. In order to avoid this, a woman needs to avoid strong physical exertion. Torsion of the cyst of the right ovary leads to a rupture of the formation, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops in the patient's peritoneum - peritonitis.

What tumors can go away on their own

There is a remedy for pain and problems with the ovaries. To get rid of pain forever you need to drink every day.

In order to understand which cysts are safe for the patient's health, it is necessary to know their varieties.

Endometrioid tumor most often appears in girls who have not yet given birth. The formation becomes inflamed during menstruation, and its cavity is filled with dark, like chocolate, thick blood. Doctors manage to detect a "chocolate" tumor during an ultrasound examination. Since it looks like a white circle, it is easy to confuse it with a corpus luteum cyst. If the formation is small, doctors cannot accurately determine its type. Therefore, they adhere to expectant tactics for several menstrual cycles. If the formation is a tumor of the corpus luteum, it is likely that it will go away on its own. Can a chocolate-colored cyst resolve? An endometrioid cyst does not go away on its own. After a couple of months, its parameters may remain the same, or they may increase significantly.

If a patient has an endometrioid tumor, it must be removed surgically. Conservative treatment with hormonal drugs is often ineffective, because it is prescribed to women after surgery as a preventive measure.

A paraovarian cyst forms near the fallopian tube or ovary. Its distinguishing feature is that the tumor is not attached to the ovary. It is formed from the remains of the oocyte. This type of cyst does not pose a threat to the health of the patient, but is detected during a gynecological examination.

The follicular tumor is benign. It is formed on one side of the ovary, and its dimensions usually do not exceed 10 centimeters. The content is liquid, with a high content of estrogen. Who most often suffers from such a cyst? Women who have not ovulated.

Such a formation is inactive if its size does not exceed four centimeters. It usually goes away on its own after a few menstrual cycles. Cause for concern among doctors appears if the disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and gradually increases in size. Thus, many patients complain of long and heavy periods, and after intimacy they may experience bleeding. Failures occur in the menstrual cycle, and a feeling of pain and fullness appears in the abdomen. In addition, the patient's body temperature rises.

If within a few months the follicular tumor has not resolved on its own, there is a high risk of its rupture. The likelihood that the cyst will burst increases against the background of pregnancy, excessive physical activity, and a violent sexual life. In order to determine the amount of treatment, a woman needs to do an ultrasound.

A dermoid tumor has no pronounced symptoms until it grows to a large size. An enlarged tumor provokes pain in the lower abdomen and a feeling of weakness. The doctor can detect the disease during a routine gynecological examination. Dermoid formation tends to grow on the ovary, affecting healthy tissues. Thus, blood circulation in this organ is disturbed. But women do not suspect this, since a healthy ovary takes over all the functions.

Dermoid tumor does not go away on its own. Conservative treatment is also powerless, because it only needs to be removed. The sooner the presence of this disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of successful treatment.

Women experience discomfort during menstruation, suffer from nausea and weakness. Sometimes constipation occurs, the body temperature rises. A serous formation rarely develops into a malignant one, but just as rarely it resolves on its own. Therefore, doctors prescribe medication to such patients. If the cyst becomes bilateral and continues to grow, it is removed.

Video: In what cases can a cyst resolve

Useful information

  • Constant general fatigue.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Blood tests are not normal.
  • Malaise.
  • Periodic causeless pain in the internal organs and ovaries.
  • Depressive state.
  • Characteristics and causes of cysts on the ovary (5.00 out of 5)
  • What portends pulling, aching or throbbing pain in the ovaries (5.00 out of 5)
  • Features of the ovulatory process and the influence of the time of conception on the sex of the child (5.00 out of 5)
  • Signs and Treatments for Mucinous Cyst (5.00 out of 5)
  • The effect of hypothermia and colds on the ovaries (5.00 out of 5)

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