Microsoft vision. Pro-Visio preparation: we return visual acuity

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Was sind die Systemanforderungen fur Visio?

Systemanforderungen for Microsoft Visio:

components Mindestanforderungen

Processor 1-GHz Prozessor mit SSE2 Unterstützung

Arbeitspeicher 2 GB RAM

Festplatte 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz

Bildschirm Auflösung von 1280 x 800 Pixeln

Grafikkarte Fur die Grafikhardwarebeschleunigung wird eine DirectX 10-fähige Grafikkarte benötigt.

Betriebssystem Windows 7 SP1 bis Windows 10, nur 32-Bit-oder 64-Bit-Betriebssystem


Internetzugang. Es können Gebühren anfallen.

Für einige Funktionen können weitere Hardware oder Dienste erforderlich sein. beispiel:

  • Für die gemeinsame Dokumenterstellung benötigen Sie Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Server 2013, Microsoft Office SharePoint Online or Microsoft OneDrive for Business.
  • Für Anwesenheitsbenachrichtigungen benötigen Sie Skype for Business or Lync.

Fur welchen Visio Online-Plan soll ich mich entscheiden?

Mit Visio Online Plan 1 erhalten Sie Visio Online und 2 GB OneDrive-Speicher und können Diagramme in Ihrem bevorzugten Browser gestalten und teilen – die beste Lösung für Standardanforderungen.

Visio Online Plan 2 umfasst die Visio-Desktopanwendung, Visio Online and 2 GB OneDrive-Speicher. So profitieren Sie von einer leistungsfähigen Komplettlösung für das Diagrammdesign – die beste Lösung für professionelle Diagrammdesigner. Neben einer umfangreichen Bibliothek mit Vorlagen und Shapes (integriert und von Drittanbietern) bietet die Visio-Desktopanwendung Werkzeuge für die Zusammenarbeit. Außerdem verfügen Sie über stats aktuelle Funktionen und können Ihre Diagramme mit Livedaten verknüpfen. Speichern und teilen Sie Ihre Diagramme ganz einfach online, um sie in Visio Online in Ihrem bevorzugten Browser anzuzeigen und zu bearbeiten. Sowohl Visio als auch Visio Online bieten eine Kommentarfunktion für einfache Zusammenarbeit.

Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Visio Professional und Visio Online Plan 2?

Visio Online Plan 2 ist als Abonnement verfügbar und bietet dieselben Funktionen wie Visio Professional 2016. Ergänzt wird der Plan durch reine Cloudfunktionen wie Visio Visual in Power BI , Datenschnellansicht in Excel und Database Reverse Engineering (DBRE) . Erweiterte Unterstützung für AutoCAD-Zeichnungen sowie zusätzliche Vorlagen und Shapes sind exklusiv in Plan 2 enthalten. Mit Plan 2 kann jeder Nutzer Visio auf bis zu fünf PCs unter Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7 installieren. Die neuesten Funktions- und Sicherheitsupdates werden während der Laufzeit des Abonnements automatisch installiert. Visio Online Plan 1 mit 2 GB OneDrive-Speicher ist ebenfalls enthalten.

Kann ich Microsoft Teams in Visio nutzen?

Ja. Die meisten Office 365-Kunden können ihre Visio-Diagramme in Teams anzeigen. Und mit einem Visio Online-Abonnementplan lassen sich Diagramme direkt in Teams bearbeiten. Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung von Visio in Teams finden Sie hier . Kunden müssen Teams separat zu Visio erwerben.

Wie erhalte ich das neue Visio Visual für Power BI?

Power BI-Nutzer können Visio Visual hier herunterladen. Alle Nutzer können Visio Visual-Berichte in Power BI anzeigen und Dateilinks einbetten. Zur Bearbeitung einer Visualisierung benötigen Sie jedoch eine Visio Online-Lizenz. Lesen Sie den Blogbeitrag unserer Tech Community, um mehr über Visio Visual für Power BI zu erfahren.

Mit welchen Datenquellen kann ich meine Diagramme verbinden?

Visio unterstützt aktuell zahlreiche Datenquellen wie Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel Services, Active Directory, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Azure, Microsoft SharePoint-Listen and Business Connectivity Services.

Zum Verknüpfen von Daten benötigen Sie die Visio-Desktopanwendung. Über Visio Online kann jedoch jeder datengebundene Diagramme anzeigen.

Wie schützt Microsoft meine Diagramme in Visio und Visio Online?

Visio verfügt über viele der Sicherheitsfunktionen, die in Microsoft Office-Anwendungen enthalten sind. Dazu gehören Information Rights Management (IRM) für den sicheren Dateizugriff, die Verhinderung von Datenverlust (DLP) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) zur Vermeidung von Datenlecks. Außerdem bietet Visio Online Sicherheits-, Datenschutz- und Compliancefunktionen der Businessklasse, die über die Microsoft Cloud bereitgestellt werden.

Kann ich meine Diagramme aus Visio und Visio Online auf Mobilgeräten öffnen?

Ja. Sie können Visio Online-Diagramme über Ihren bevorzugten Browser erstellen, öffnen, bearbeiten und teilen. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine native für iOS-Geräte. Die App kann zur Anzeige von Diagrammen verwendet werden, enthält aber keine Bearbeitungsfunktionen.

Funktioniert Visio auf dem Mac?

Fur den Macgibt es keine Visio-Clientversion. Stattdessen können Sie Diagramme mit Visio Online in Ihrem Browser anzeigen.

Warum kann ich Dateien, die mit Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016 or Visio Online erstellt wurden, nicht mit älteren Versionen von Visio öffnen?

Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016 and Visio Online basieren auf dem 2013 eingeführten, XML Basierten Dateiformat, das von älteren Visio-Versionen unter Umständen nicht erkannt wird. Sie können Dateien, die in Visio 2016 or in Visio Online erstellt wurden, im Format "Visio 2003-2010-Zeichnung (VSD)" speichern, das mit älteren Versionen von Visio kompatibel ist. Klicken Sie hierzu im Menu datei auf Speichern unter. Geben Sie nach der Auswahl des Speicherorts Visio 2003-2010-Zeichnung als Dateityp an.

Ich arbeite in Visio Professional 2016 or Visio Standard 2016 mit einer Datei, die in Visio 2010 or einer älteren Version erstellt wurde, und kann auf einige Funktionen im neuen Visio nicht zugreifen. Woran liegt das?

Einige Funktionen aus früheren Visio-Versionen wurden aus Gründen der Kompatibilität in Visio 2016 deaktiviert. Aber mit dem Konvertieren der Datei vom alten in das neue Dateiformat werden alle Funktionen aktiviert. Um eine Visio 2003–2010-Zeichnung zu konvertieren, klicken Sie im Menu dateiaufinfo und dann auf Konvertieren.

Wo erhalte ich Antworten auf eine Frage, die hier nicht gestellt wurde, oder wie kann ich Feedback zu Visio senden?

Creating charts and diagrams manually is not easy and takes a long time. It is much easier to perform these tasks with the help of special programs. There are enough of them on the Internet now.

Microsoft Visio is a modern vector editor for creating diagrams and diagrams. Due to its versatility, it is suitable for both professionals who create the most complex schemes on a daily basis, and ordinary users. I propose to consider the main functions of the tool.

Special attention is paid to the creation of a new document in the program. This is done in several ways:

1. You can choose the template that best suits the user.

3. You can find the necessary on the site They are also categorized there. Here you can also use the search and find a specific template.

4. Microsoft Visio interacts with other text editors so diagrams and diagrams can be selected from other documents.

5. Finally, you can create a completely empty document without samples and a set of tools that are created later. This way of creating documents is suitable for users who are already more or less familiar with the program. For beginners, it is better to start with simple schemes.

Adding and editing a shape

Shapes are the main component of any scheme. You can add them by simply dragging them to the workspace.

The size is easily changed with the mouse. Using the editing panel, you can change various properties of the shape, such as changing its color. This panel is very similar to Microsoft Excel and Word.

Connection of figures

Various figures can be connected to each other, this is done manually or automatically.

Modify shape and text properties

Using a special set of tools, you can change the appearance of the figure. Align, change colors and stroke. Here you can add and edit the text and its appearance.

Pasting objects

In the Microsoft Visio program, in addition to standard objects, others are inserted: drawings, drawings, diagrams, etc. For them, you can make a callout or a tooltip.

Display settings

For the convenience of the user or depending on the task, the display of your sheet, the color scheme of the objects themselves, the background can be changed. You can also add different frames.

Bunch of objects

A very convenient feature is the addition of various objects to the schemes that can be associated with shapes. These can be documents from external sources, drawings or legends (explanations to diagrams).

Analysis of the created circuit

Using the built-in tools, the created scheme can be analyzed for compliance with all requirements.

Error correction

This function contains a set of tools with which the text is checked for errors. If necessary, you can use the built-in reference books, a translator, or change the language.

Page setup

The display of created documents is also easy to change. You can adjust the scale, make page breaks, display windows in a convenient way, and more.

The drug Pro-Visio (Pro-Visio) belongs to the category of vitamin food supplements. It is prescribed to people who are being treated by an ophthalmologist. Thanks to the drug, it is possible to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, eliminate fatigue, and prevent the progression of eye diseases. Patients should remember that these tablets are not a drug, so they must be used in combination with other drugs prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

The biological supplement has a strengthening effect on the visual organ, the drug can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, but doctors can also prescribe Pro-Visio. Instructions for use of the additive contain a detailed description of the active ingredients, which are part of the tablets:

  • Vitamin E is another vitamin that is indispensable for vision from the group of antioxidants. In its presence in the body, blood flow improves, due to which the eyeball receives the necessary nutrition, and the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues take place faster. Vitamin takes part in the transmission of visual impulses, so it must be supplied to the human body in sufficient quantities. The content of vitamin E in one tablet is 30 mg.
  • Bilberry Extract - Bilberry fruits contain a huge amount of chemicals that have a positive effect on eye health. Regular intake of fruits restores damaged retina, relieves dry eye syndrome, and helps reduce intraocular pressure. But the fruits of the plant are not available to every patient, moreover, in order to obtain the necessary concentration of medicinal substances, you need to eat a lot of berries. Therefore, it is much more profitable and effective to take drugs that contain concentrated blueberry extract. One of these drugs is ProVisio vitamins, the instructions for which indicate the content in one tablet of natural blueberry extract in the amount of 20 mg.

Additionally, the composition of the tablets includes malic acid, cellulose, talc.

There are certain indications for taking Pro-Visio, the drug is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of such conditions:

Since the dietary supplement contains natural ingredients, there are few contraindications to taking it: pregnancy, children under three years of age, individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Adults and children over 12 years of age take one tablet daily with meals for three months, children over three years of age take half a tablet. The tablets must be dissolved in the mouth. The advantage of the drug is that it is approved for use in patients with diabetes. One package of Pro-Visio contains 30 tablets, for the entire course of treatment you need to purchase three packages. After a short break, the drug can be continued. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions, trying to enhance the effect of the drug, - Exceeding the recommended dose causes a laxative effect.

The manufacturer of the bioadditive, Unimed Pharma, produces another drug - Pro-Visio Forte. Instructions for use of this dietary supplement makes it possible to understand how the two drugs differ from each other. The difference is that Pro-Visio Forte tablets contain active ingredients in increased dosages, so the course of treatment with this remedy is one month.

In pharmacies, you can find many drugs with an action similar to Pro-Visio. Analogues of the drug are:

In case of vision problems, patients should first of all consult a doctor, and then use various drugs, including Pro-Visio, as an additional treatment. Patient reviews testify to the effectiveness of the drug when used correctly, with a competent approach to treatment, most patients improved their health with the help of this dietary supplement.

My work requires a constant presence at the computer, so by the evening my eyes are very tired. I check my eyesight every year, the doctor advised me to drink vitamins with blueberries. Among the recommended drugs was Pro-Visio. I have been drinking it for only a month, at the same time I am instilling drops of "Artificial tear" into my eyes. I began to feel much better.

Igor, 28 years old

Mom was prescribed a bunch of drugs after an eye surgery, among them I saw Pro-Visio tablets. I read the instructions and decided to buy one for myself. I spend a lot of time at the computer, besides, probably, at my age, prevention should already be started. I am sure that this drug will definitely not hurt me!

Olga, 40 years old

My son began to complain of eye fatigue at the end of the day, went to the optometrist. The doctor said that you need to sit at the computer less time, he prescribed Pro-Visio for prevention. I read it - a good natural composition, tablets can be taken by children from the age of three. We drink pills, limit the computer, increase the number of walks and books read. So far there are no complaints.

Irina, 33 years old

Attention, only TODAY!

Microsoft Visio Professional 2016

Microsoft Visio free download, Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio- one of the most convenient editors for full-featured work with industrial graphics. Microsoft Visio is now available not only for personal PCs, but also for mobile devices and tablets. The program features new features, drawings, logic diagrams, technical information, plans can be visualized with one touch. The resulting image has become clearer, its resolution is higher. In the built-in library, you can see a lot of auto shapes and templates, work with tools is automated. At the bottom of the page of our website, you can follow the link provided.

Microsoft Visio features include:

  • create professional plans, drawings, diagrams using a special extended set of functions - now available on tablet PCs with Windows 8 installed;
  • you can replace any shape or combination of elements in an already drawn up diagram without fear that the links, the original metadata or the appearance of the layout will be violated;
  • you can analyze all the information, use a convenient filter to distribute documents;
  • in the presence of an extended library of vector shapes, templates used for the most popular types of drawings, plans, diagrams;
  • using automated tools, you can create original vector images;
  • the organization chart is created using a simple wizard, all data is now available for import from Microsoft Excel, Exchange and Office 365;
  • when working with documents, they can be stored in the Sky-Drive online cloud storage.

Microsoft Visio is optimized for mobile devices, tablets with touch screens, which has led to the restructuring of many of its mechanisms and functions, making them more convenient. Many functions remained automatic, but now they are launched with a single touch on the screen or with a mouse click for a regular PC. When working on the console, hot keys lose their need, navigation is carried out using the mouse.

Microsoft Visio is oriented to work on the Internet, this opens up the widest possibilities for using all its resources. Now you can directly search for information, download collections of ready-made templates, shapes, documents without having to save to disk. The program itself already has a built-in library, access to cloud storage. This allows you to work remotely on the same document with colleagues, to have access to work files from any device if Microsoft Visio is installed on it.

To create more vibrant business diagrams, you can use a variety of texture and color fills, use clip art layouts to create diagrams such as road routes, evacuation plans, labor relationship verticals, or product logistics diagrams. Automated toolkits are used to facilitate the creation of complex industrial drawings. Microsoft is a multifunctional program that allows you to customize the settings for the worksheet, choose the format yourself. monitor settings allow you to work with widescreen devices.

Microsoft Visio free download

Download Microsoft Visio for free from the official Microsoft website. Our site keeps track of all software updates to ensure you have the latest version of Microsoft Visio.

Download Microsoft Visio Professional 2016

To download Microsoft Visio 2016, follow the link to the official website, register, then download and install a 60-day trial version of the full-featured software.