How to use tofu cheese. Tofu cheese - what is it, what is it made of and how is it eaten? Why Men Shouldn't Use

Tofu is the buzzword these days. Vegetarians talk about it, people who are fasting or dieting, as well as numerous fans of the now fashionable Asian cuisine, are happy to add it to their menu.

But is the value of tofu only in its religious adaptability and fashion trends?

Scientists say that no - this product is one of the foundations of a healthy diet, and that it should be consumed by everyone who wants to have good health and a beautiful figure.

History of Tofu Cheese

Tofu cheese - soy cheese - is a specific product and not all Europeans like its fresh taste, which cannot be said about the Chinese.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire enjoyed tofu back in the 2nd century BC, however, the cheese recipe turned out by accident.

But this is not as important as the fact that tofu is practically incapable of harming the body (unless, of course, it is heavily abused), but there are incredibly many benefits from it.

Tofu is an ingredient in many Asian dishes., and is also rapidly gaining a “place in the sun” among the ingredients of salads and snacks familiar to us. Soy cheese is said to be the result of an experiment or an accident.

One of the Chinese chefs prepared a tender soy puree, seasoned it with nigari - an extract of sea water and left it for a while (maybe something distracted him or urgently needed to go somewhere - the story is silent).

And when I returned, I saw that the puree had curdled and acquired a completely different texture and taste - it became dense and slightly salty.

After tasting, it turned out that in this form, soy is also incredibly good, as a result, the world received another culinary masterpiece.

At the same time, it turned out to be so successful that it retained its popularity for 27 centuries and continues to delight people and give them health to this day.

How is tofu cheese made today?

Tofu production technology is not much different from that used to prepare cheeses with cow or goat milk.

The only difference is the feedstock: for tofu, it is of plant origin - this is soy milk, into which a certain amount of live bacterial cultures is introduced to help it curdle.

Excess liquid is removed from the resulting soybean curd and sent under a press, after which beautiful layers of elastic, tender, pliable and pleasant-tasting cheese are obtained at the output, which has a number of distinctive features:

Does not contain animal fats, which is valuable for people who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, those who are staunch vegetarians, fans of meat-free diets;

Suitable for people with lactose intolerance;

It does not have a characteristic milky smell and taste, but at the same time it has a delicate texture;

able to acquire the tastes of those products with which it is mixed, so you can cook amazingly tasty and varied dishes from it, but you need to keep it away from spices and other aromatic substances.

Tofu Cheese - Benefits

The benefits and harms of any product, and tofu cheese is no exception, are always determined by its chemical composition. Among the components that make up soy cheese, dominated by:

Natural vegetable protein that is easily digestible;
a large percentage of calcium, which strengthens bone tissue, but does not create conditions for kidney stone formation;
vitamin E;
folic acid;
vitamin A;
vitamins B group;
amino acids.

Based on the list of components of soy cheese, it is possible to designate the range of its beneficial effects on the human body.

2. It is a valuable source of protein, but at the same time, unlike dairy products, it does not contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, and does not harm the cardiovascular system.

3. Contains many vitamins and minerals that are able to stabilize the body's defenses in the fight against various viruses and infections. The regular presence of tofu in the diet guarantees the strengthening of immunity.

4. The product is indispensable for the nervous system. The abundance of vitamin B allows you to maintain its normal operation, has an anti-stress effect.

Cheese components have a positive effect on brain activity, help to cope with overwork, improve sleep.

5. Tofu cheese does not overload the urinary system.

6. Soybeans are a rich source of iron, so tofu, as a derivative of soy, helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents anemia.

7. Soy cheese is one of the low-calorie foods, it can be safely eaten by anyone who controls weight gain and is trying to lose extra pounds.

8. Tofu contains a large amount of antioxidants, which makes it an assistant in the fight against aging. It promotes the binding and natural elimination of toxins, rejuvenates the body, and prevents oncology.

9. Eating tofu is good for skin, nails and hair.

10. The product helps to normalize digestion.

It is extremely important to realize that all the listed health benefits are guaranteed only by natural, made from the right ingredients, according to proven Asian technology, tofu soy cheese.

Analogues, surrogates, artisanal cheeses from improvised raw materials will never replace real tofu, neither in taste nor in benefits.

Tofu cheese - harm

Any product can be harmful if it is of inadequate quality and if consumed in large quantities. Tofu is no exception and can be harmful if overused.

First of all, it can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, as it contains a certain amount of phytohormones.

You can’t eat a lot of tofu for teenagers and people of reproductive age, for the same reason for the content of phytohormones. Overeating tofu can lead to diarrhea.

Daily Value of Tofu for an adult of normal build and weight - up to 100 grams, for teenagers - up to 50 grams, for children from three years old - up to 15 grams.

Meet: bean curd. It's soy cheese. He is tofu, perhaps the most popular product in Japan and China. A favorite of losing weight girls, vegetarians and fans of Asian cuisine. Take a closer look at this unusual delicacy.

(namely, tofu is made from them) is one of the most nutritious and economical protein products. It is low in calories, contains almost no fat and carbohydrates. And legends about the exceptionally beneficial properties of tofu are rooted for centuries.

History with geography

This cheese-cottage cheese (as you like it) managed to win a couple of millennia ago. In a drawing engraved on a stone slab in a tomb of the Han Dynasty (Heinan Province, North China) and dated 220 AD. e., archaeologists have discovered an interesting kitchen scene. It clearly depicts the process of making soy milk and tofu. For many, tofu is associated primarily with Japanese cuisine, yet its homeland is China. Our hero arrived in the Land of the Rising Sun about 1.5 thousand years ago. But in the Middle Kingdom it has been eaten for more than 20 centuries.

In all likelihood, the Chinese themselves do not know exactly who invented tofu. There are several popular legends. Here, for example, is one of them. For the sake of piquancy, one court cook decided to add a special substance to soybean puree - nigari (translated from Japanese - “bitter juice”). Nigari is a concentrated saline solution with a pleasant aroma, obtained after the evaporation of sea water, and in the language of chemists, magnesium chloride, registered as a food additive E511. It is easy to guess that a chemical reaction took place, as a result of which the puree curdled and turned into a delicate, elastic and shiny cream-colored paste. This paste was to the taste of the emperor and soon won the hearts of all Chinese. They called it tofu.

Another version tells how a poor Chinese official opened the tofu... out of desperation. He was so honest that he never took bribes and was sorely short of money for anything but beans. A Chinese man was evaporating nigari from sea water and one day accidentally combined soy puree with it. Got tofu. The official could not afford meat and replaced it with a new dish, and after a while noticed that his health improved. Since then, tofu has become known as boneless meat and has gained great popularity among the people. In 1500 AD, the Chinese poet Su Ping sang the national delicacy in his poem "Ode to Tofu"!

Later, they learned to cook a wide variety of dishes from this product, learned how to store it. China has gone through different periods in its history, there was also a famine, but soybeans have always been grown here. And they always made tofu. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire still treat it not only as a food product, but also as something magical. They have long discovered the healing properties of tofu and widely use it in the prevention and treatment of various ailments.

Even in Chinese legends, Buddhist monks are mentioned - the latter, by the way, brought tofu to Japan. The Japanese treated the gift as a sacred product. At first, it was known only in monasteries as a ritual food "for a long and healthy life", and the production process resembled a sacred ceremony. By the 15th century, tofu "came out to the people", was considered a delicacy for a long time and was available only to wealthy aristocrats. A hundred years later, many family factories appeared in the country that made tofu, and it entered the daily diet of all segments of the population. Until the late 1700s, tofu cookbooks were bestsellers in the Land of the Rising Sun. It is still produced according to the established ancient tradition, even the name is pronounced with the prefix: “o-tofu”, which means “venerable”. Today in Japan, as in many other Asian countries (Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.), tofu can be bought at any stall.

Only one benefit

There is almost no culture of eating tofu in our country. Many people know that this product is useful, but they do not know what exactly its advantages are and how it is eaten. But soy is the only plant in the world that is a source of complete protein, identical to proteins of animal origin. It contains all nine amino acids needed to maintain good health.

In terms of protein, soy is superior to fish, eggs, and beef. That is why tofu, a kind of "protein concentrate", is an ideal product for vegetarians, fasting people and generally adherents of a healthy diet. By the way, if animal protein during splitting increases the total level of cholesterol in the blood, then vegetable protein regulates it, helping to reduce it by 30%. So tofu is also the prevention of many vascular and heart diseases. In addition, soy protein is 90% soluble in water, which means it is very easily absorbed by the body. Dishes from it are a real salvation for people with weak digestion and a help for athletes who are building muscle mass.

Tofu is an excellent menu item for "protein" allergies. In addition, it promotes the dissolution of gallstones, improves kidney function, is a good source of iron, calcium and dietary fiber, which is depleted in the diet of Russians. Tofu is also known for removing the dangerous poison dioxin from the body, which provokes cancer. In Japan, it is almost a mandatory item on the kindergarten menu.

"Bonus" for women: tofu contains phytoestrogens, which have a similar effect to estrogens - female sex hormones. During menopause, when their level in the body drops, soy phytoestrogens help restore hormonal balance, protect a woman from breast cancer, regulate cholesterol metabolism, slow down the aging process of the skin, protecting it from dehydration. True, some scientists do not support this opinion, believing that an excess of phytoestrogens can harm. There is only one conclusion: you should not eat tons of tofu, moderation is needed in everything.

And, finally, the most pleasant, pleasing and inspiring thing about this exotic delicacy is its low calorie content: 100 g of tofu contains only 73 kilocalories!

Master's tofu is afraid

In general, the production of tofu resembles the process of making cheese from milk. That is why it is called soy cheese. The desired substance is obtained by curdling fresh soy milk made from soy beans. A thickening agent (coagulant) is added to the milk - usually nigari, less often vinegar or lemon juice - mixed, heated, and then pressed into dense briquettes. In principle, this method has changed little since antiquity, the only difference is that now for the preparation of soy milk they often take not beans (which need to be cleaned, soaked, boiled and crushed), but ready-made soy powder.

There are three main types of tofu, classified by production method and consistency level. The latter is directly related to the protein content: the denser and drier the product, the more protein it contains. Europe is accustomed to a denser and harder version, which is why this species is called "Western". The consistency of such tofu resembles Mozzarella, it is well suited for cooking roasts, goulash or grilling. Asia prefers tofu that is more watery and soft - "cotton". It is used to prepare first courses and is used in recipes that require mixed tofu. The most delicate variety is "silk". There is more water in it. It has a consistency similar to pudding or custard and is used in purees, sauces, soups, sweets, and steamed dishes.

Many manufacturers make tofu with various additives (paprika, spices, mushrooms, herbs, nuts, etc.), but its neutral taste is lost.

In Russia, tofu can be bought in a specialized store or a large supermarket. In addition to traditional Japan and China, this product has been produced in all East Asian countries, as well as in the USA and Canada. There is also Russian-made tofu (many enterprises make it here, from the Moscow region to Krasnoyarsk), and sometimes Ukrainian. But the Japanese, of course, are sure that it is almost impossible to find real tofu outside their islands.

cook tofu at home

You will need: 1 cup cold water, 1 cup soy flour, 2 cups boiling water, 6 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. In a small saucepan, mix soy flour and water until a thick, homogeneous paste, add boiling water and mix. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Then pour in the lemon juice, stir again and remove the pan from the heat. When the mass settles, strain it through cheesecloth. You will have about 1 cup of very soft tofu. It should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container filled with a layer of water.

Pot calls the kettle black!

If you are inspired by the idea of ​​making tofu in your own kitchen, it makes sense to improve the handmade process and purchase a special machine for making soy milk, which is called: household soy cow. Another name is soy cooker. This is a kitchen appliance no larger than an electric kettle. All you need to do is pour water, add pre-soaked or dry soybeans, press a button, and in 15-20 minutes fresh soy milk will be ready. On a soy cow, by the way, you can cook many other vegetarian (and not only) delicacies: cereals, mashed soups, sauces, puddings, pies, pastas ... Such a pleasure costs an average of 4000-6000 rubles. And this is exactly the case when the inscription Made in China is intended not to alarm, but to inspire confidence in the worthy quality of the miracle machine. They were originally made in China. Excellent quality soy cookers are also made in the States and Canada. But the European soy cow should be chosen more meticulously: there is a high probability of running into a fake or just a second-rate product.

How to choose?

Pressed tofu is sold both in vacuum containers and simply in hermetic packages filled with water. Water protects the product from absorbing foreign odors. Do not be too lazy to carefully study the label: natural tofu should contain only three components: water, soy (soybeans) and a coagulant (there can be three types - nigari, calcium sulfate or calcium chloride). It is better to buy tofu without salt, herbs and other additives. A "correct" tofu should have a neutral flavor.

Fresh tofu has a slightly sweet flavor. If it starts to sour, boil it for 10 minutes. True, it will swell and become more porous than the "original".

When choosing high-calcium tofu, look for “calcium precipitated” or “calcium sulfate” on the package. Remember that firm tofu is fatter than soft tofu. And, of course, always check the expiration date of the product.

How to store?

Most manufacturers pasteurize tofu right at the factory. Such a product does not require refrigeration until the container is opened. Place unpasteurized tofu in a cool place. If the package is opened, but not all of the tofu is eaten, rinse the rest and fill it with water. If possible, pump out the air from the container, put it in the refrigerator, and change the water daily - the tofu will stay fresh for a week.

And it can also be frozen - then the shelf life will last up to five months. After defrosting, the consistency and taste of tofu change: it becomes more elastic and tough, similar to meat, the taste of dishes with this ingredient is also slightly different. Thawed tofu has a nice caramel color and is great for marinating or sautéing.

By the way, today in Japan a variety of tofu kogori-dofu, or koya-dofu, is a popular dried version of soy delicacy. This is an ancient invention of Buddhist monks from Mount Koya. It differs from the “classics”: it has a spongy structure, and the taste remains saturated even after soaking. In Japan, koya dofu is sold in packs of five packed in plastic. Together with it, the soup base-powder is included in the kit, in which it is boiled. But you can do without it.

Make Tofu Soup

Add chopped corn to salted meat or vegetable broth, boil. Add grated carrots, spices and boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Now add 150 g of dense tofu, cut into cubes, one chopped leek, green peas. Bring to a boil. Serve with greens.

Tofu is an expanse for the chef's imagination and a real chameleon among the products. Although he cannot boast of his own aroma, but, like a sponge, he perfectly absorbs “neighboring” smells and tastes. At first glance, this may seem like a disadvantage, but in reality it is an undeniable advantage that turns tofu into a universal soldier from cooking: the product goes well with any ingredients, in which dish you add it, from appetizer to dessert. It can be eaten with fruits or herbs, or it can be fried, smoked and baked. And on its basis it turns out a wonderful stuffing. Try and cook something delicious!

What is tofu? Europe learned about its existence only in the second half of the twentieth century. Can we say that tofu is a product of globalization? Hardly ... Yes, and the Chinese say the opposite. They believe that tofu was invented in the Celestial Empire in the second century. Around the eighth century after the birth of Christ, this "cheese" became known in Japan. Even later, he gained popularity in the countries of Southeast Asia. Many Vietnamese and Korean cuisines are inconceivable without tofu. The harm and benefits of this product will be discussed in this article. This cheese is perceived with a bang by vegetarians, especially those who avoid dairy products. Tofu can also be eaten by people suffering from lactose intolerance. What about everything else? What is the chemical composition of tofu? We will also talk about this.

How tofu is made

According to legend, soy cheese arose by a happy coincidence. A Chinese chef, whose name has been lost for centuries, decided to add nigari seasoning to the puree to flavor the dish. In this case, magnesium chloride, which is part of the spice, acted as a coagulant. He curdled milk. Thus, the process of making tofu is similar to the cheese-making method. Only the raw material is not cow, goat or vegetable - soy. First, tofu curd is obtained. It is pressed, kept for some time. This results in a white, porous, soft cheese-like product. It is sold in sealed packaging filled with water. Once opened, tofu should be stored in the refrigerator, adding cool water twice a day. This cheese, like a sponge, absorbs foreign odors, so it should not be kept near strong-smelling foods.

What chefs say about tofu

And cheese is like a "blank sheet of paper" that is waiting for the master's brush. It has no taste or smell. But soy tofu perfectly absorbs other flavors. He perfectly "gets along" with all the products that cooks use in the kitchen. Therefore, culinary specialists deservedly call tofu a universal ingredient in dishes. It is used for the first and second. A soy delicacy is good for a snack, and even for a dessert. It is boiled, fried, baked, smoked and pickled - in a word, it is subjected to all kinds of culinary processing. But, since tofu is practically tasteless, it always goes side by side with some other ingredients. The porosity of the cheese allows it to be served with a variety of sauces - from ketchup to jam. It is customary to add tofu cottage cheese or its soft varieties to soups. And when preparing the second, hard cheese is used. Shanghai cuisine uses "stinky tofu" - the Chinese version of Roquefort. It is almost unknown to Europeans. But you can buy "silk tofu". This creamy cheese is similar to everyone's favorite Yantar.

Tofu: composition

Now let's talk about what are the ingredients of this product. So, we found out that tofu is a soy cheese obtained by fermenting bean milk. Thus, its composition is rich in complete vegetable protein. In hard cheese it is 10.7 percent, and in cottage cheese - 5.3%. You should know that vegetable protein is better absorbed by the human body than a substance of animal origin. It contains essential amino acids for health. At the same time, soy cheese is low-calorie: only 73 kcal per hundred grams of tofu. The composition of the product says a lot about its benefits. Here you have iron - which helps fight anemia, and calcium, which, as you know, is a "building material" for bones. Tofu does not contain cholesterol, but it has a lot of vitamins. Among the line of useful substances, it is necessary to single out group B. This vitamin is responsible for good memory, strong teeth and nails, for shiny and thick hair, healthy skin.

Tofu: harm and benefit

All the properties of soy cheese, both positive and negative, are due to its composition. Since the product does not contain cholesterol, it is good for cores. Vegetable protein derived from cooked and mashed soybeans is highly digestible. Therefore, it is prescribed to patients with a weak stomach. The low nutritional value of tofu (reviews often mention this) makes it indispensable in nutrition. Prescribe soy cheese and athletes. Regular consumption of tofu slows down aging and is an excellent prophylactic against cancer, as it removes dioxin, the causative agent of oncological changes, from the body. Soy delicacy helps to more successfully fight osteoporosis, menopause, and heart disease. And, of course, tofu is just a gift for allergy sufferers, those who cannot tolerate dairy products. It is also good for those who have recently suffered fractures. Soy cheese helps bone tissue recover and makes it denser and stronger.

Who benefits from tofu

We can say that everyone. In China, the homeland of the product, soybeans were treated as a product of the poor. In Ukraine, they say that for a beggar and honey mushrooms - chicken. And in the Celestial Empire, it is believed that soybeans are "meat without bones." However, the demand for this product was raised by vegetarians. There were "chops", "goulash" and, of course, "cheese". To get enough, you need to eat more of these cutlets than their meat counterparts. But this is almost the only minus of tofu. Its price is quite democratic - 150-290 rubles per package (depending on weight and type). Of particular note are the benefits of tofu for people who care about their appearance. Soy cheese contains isoflavones - the strongest antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. It also contains the substances daidzein and genistein, which prevent the action of estrogens. Thus, cheese saturates our body with energy, strengthens bones, and the selenium and iron contained in it give us physical strength.

Harm of soy cheese

All foods - depending on the amount of their use - have positive and negative properties. Tofu is no exception. The harms and benefits of this product are mainly dependent on the dose. Do not abuse soy cheese. This can lead to thyroid diseases, adversely affect the reproduction of women and men. Bean curd and cheese should be given to children with extreme caution. Tofu can cause diarrhea and, in teenagers, provoke early sexual activity. However, this product can act as a mild laxative for constipation. By the way, not all allergy sufferers can use it. Doctors recorded several cases of allergic reactions to tofu, which were expressed in nausea and hives. This is caused by individual intolerance to soy products.

What can be made from soy cheese

In Japan, many diets have been developed in which tofu is the main product. The harm and benefits of this product have already been considered by us. It remains only to add that the soy diet allows you to lose seven to fourteen kilograms. And this despite the fact that you do not need to change your usual lifestyle and limit yourself in the amount of food. Just replace the meat with soy cheese - and the result is obvious. Now consider how this product is. Simply consuming it as it is sold is like eating Dutch cheese. Momen - hard tofu - can be put on a sandwich, cut into cubes in a salad, fried in breadcrumbs. It can be marinated. And if you smoke dense soy cheese tofu, then you won’t be able to distinguish it from ham. Kinugoshi (“silk”) is a delicate soft curd. It is used for soups, desserts and sauces. Sometimes on sale you can find tofu with fillers (spices, herbs, nuts) or sweetened - for making "vegetarian cheesecakes".

Benefits in cosmetology

Women use soy tofu for more than just weight loss. Chinese women have long used it to whiten the skin and make it velvety and soft. In order to prepare such a mask, you need to grind this Japanese curd with one teaspoon of olive oil. The face must be thoroughly cleansed and steamed before application. Apply the mask to the skin with light patting movements with your fingertips. Hold in a state of absolute rest for about ten minutes. After that, rinse with cool water. The procedure should be repeated once or twice a week.

“Meat without bones” is what millions of Asians call tofu. This is soy cheese, which is considered the main source of protein for vegans, slimming girls and people on a dietary diet. It belongs to the category of low-calorie foods because it contains a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, tofu has many nutritional and beneficial properties, the legends of which go back centuries.

What is special about bean curd

Tofu is a lean cheese that contains 100% soybeans, with no added stabilizers, preservatives or emulsifiers. Its preparation technology practically does not differ from the production of milk cheese. An old recipe involves curtailing freshly prepared by adding a coagulant to it - a thickening component:

  • concentrated saline solution (nigari);
  • table vinegar;
  • lemon juice.

In modern production, practically nothing has changed, with the exception of the use of ready-made powder rather than beans. Bean curd has a creamy taste, soft cheese texture and cream color. Cheese can be made with garlic, nuts, olives or herbs.

Tofu is an insipid product with no odor of its own. During cooking, it acquires the flavor of other ingredients that are included in the dish.

Salad with avocado, tofu and mushrooms

Origin story

There are many legends that reveal the secrets of the invention of soy cheese. It is also known that tofu was cooked by accident: sea water got into the mashed soybeans, which led to the coagulation of the protein and the formation of cottage cheese.

China is considered the birthplace of tofu, where it has been cooked for 20 centuries. For the first time, residents learned about soy cheese from drawings from the tomb of the Han Dynasty, which were dated to 220 AD. They depicted the action of making bean curd.

What is the value of the product

Soy cheese is a storehouse of vegetable proteins, useful amino acids, vitamins and microelements. It does not contain cholesterol, and its calorie content per 100 g is 75 kcal.

According to the USDA Nutrient Database, tofu contains 8 essential amino acids.

Since bean curd has a low calorie content and the ability to be absorbed by the body by 90%, it is used during weight loss.

Eating tofu for breakfast and dinner in its pure form or as part of vegetable salads, you can lose 2-3 kilograms in a few days.

What are the benefits of using

Cameron Wells, director of nutritional education at the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, claims that soy cheese has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and improves the survival of patients with cancer.

What are the benefits for women's health

Regular consumption of natural soy cheese contributes to:

  • reduce the risk of fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • prevention of breast cancer;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • improving the condition of the skin.

The composition of soy cheese contains calcium, which is necessary for pregnant women. He takes part in strengthening the bones and teeth of the fetus and the expectant mother. Iron prevents the risk of anemia and premature birth.

Roll idea: grilled tofu, eggplant and avocado filling

Why Men Shouldn't Use

Soy cheese contains phytoestrogen, which blocks the production of testosterone and contributes to the suppression of male sex hormones. At the same time, tofu will be useful for physical exertion, because it takes part in:

  • the fight against excess weight;
  • growth of muscle mass;
  • replenishment of the body with energy;
  • getting rid of cholesterol.

Also, bean curd should be introduced into the diet for injuries, fractures and sprains. It nourishes the musculoskeletal system with calcium and phosphorus.

What are the dangers of excessive consumption

Bean curd can lead to the following diseases:

  • suppression of thyroid function;
  • disruption of the female and male hormonal systems;
  • inhibition of brain activity;
  • indigestion.

Dinner Idea: Soy Cheese with Mushrooms

Answering the question, how much tofu can you eat - no more than 100 g per day.

What are the optimal conditions for storage

Bean curd is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. Before that, it must be removed from the package and put in a plastic container filled with salted water. This will help preserve the flavor of the cheese and protect it from off-flavours.

Tofu can also be stored in the freezer for up to 5 months. However, it must be taken into account that after thawing the product will lose its neutral taste and will have a jelly-like consistency.

How to use in cooking

Lean soybean curd can be consumed raw, fried, smoked and pickled. Hard tofu is great for frying and cooking meat dishes, soft cheese with a silky texture will complement various desserts - puddings or cottage cheese casseroles with its pleasant sweetish taste.

What is eaten with

Soy cheese is added to soups, main dishes, salads and desserts. It is combined with any products:

  • eggs;
  • cucumber;
  • rice
  • yourself;
  • arugula;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood.

Surprisingly, tofu has found its way into the preparation of drinks, for example,.

soy cheese recipe at home

If it is not possible to buy tofu, but there is a desire to taste an Asian guest, then you can cook it yourself.

What to do:

  1. Pour soy flour into a deep saucepan.
  2. Fill it with cold water.
  3. Mix until a thick mass is obtained.
  4. Add 2 cups of boiling water.
  5. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring the mixture thoroughly.
  6. Pour in lemon juice.
  7. Remove from stove. Leave for the mass to settle.
  8. Strain through gauze.

From this amount of ingredients, approximately 200 g of soft soy cheese will be obtained.

Lean tofu is less expensive to make than regular milk cheese. For 1 kg of bean curd you need 60 g of beans, when for the same amount of hard rennet cheese you need to take 10 liters of milk.

Another option for making soy cheese at home, see the video from blogger Mikhail Vegan:

Vegan Tofu Detox Salad

This dish saturates the body with useful vitamins and microelements contained in fresh vegetables, and easily digestible protein will give the body a boost of energy and vigor.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the cheese into cubes, and the pepper into thin slices.
  2. Grind the ginger root and garlic.
  3. Put the prepared components in a container and pour.
  4. Leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse greens and dry on paper towel.
  6. Boil eggs. Cut into slices.
  7. Chop shallots into half rings.

When serving, put greens, pickled cheese, eggs and onions on a plate. Drizzle the salad with lime juice and season with sea salt if desired.

Salad with tofu garnished with colorful bell peppers

What are the prices in stores for 1 kg

Russians celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, and residents of China, Malaysia and Taiwan celebrate Stinky Tofu Day. It is a popular snack in Shanghai and cannot be found in a supermarket or restaurant. Stinky soy cheese can be bought in cheap bars and illegal shops. It is served smoked or fried with rice or noodles.

At home, there are several methods, they differ mainly in the way soybeans are ground and in the substances used as a coagulant. For coagulation, citric acid or lemon juice, Epsom salts, or a mixture of vinegar and common salt are used.

Perhaps there are other coagulants, but I do not know about them. The type of coagulant affects the chemical composition of the cheese. For example, if Epsom salts are used, tofu will contain more magnesium and sulfur, substances that are part of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate heptahydrate).

There are also different ways to grind soybeans. The better they are crushed, the thicker and richer the soy milk will be, from which, in fact, the tofu itself is made. There are ways to prepare tofu, in which 350 g of cheese will be obtained from a kilogram of beans. At the same time, a lot of soybean cake goes to waste. I want to describe a method here that will require the use of a mixer or food processor. This will allow you to extract the maximum soy milk from a minimum of beans. As a result, from 500-600 g of soybeans we get approximately 1300 g of tofu cheese. The exact weight will depend on how long the cheese is under pressure and how much liquid can be removed from it.

You will need:

  • 500 g dry soybeans;
  • 4.5 liters of clean water;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of vinegar 4.5% (apple, rice, table);
  • 0.5 liters of water (optional).

In addition, you will need some equipment:

  • blender (you can use an immersion blender);
  • large saucepan (6-7 l);
  • a sieve of large diameter with a fine metal mesh;
  • a small sieve with a fine mesh (or a slotted spoon);
  • wide bowl;
  • silicone spatula;
  • a piece of mesh fabric (or a four-layer piece of gauze);
  • measuring cup (or half-liter mug);
  • two rectangular or round plastic mesh containers (volume 1.5-2 liters).


  • We sort out half a kilogram, removing unsuitable beans, rinse and soak in clean water at room temperature for at least 12 hours. As a result, from 500 g of dry beans, approximately 1 kg of 200 g of swollen soybeans will be obtained. After the specified time, we wash the beans again, drain the water. Nothing needs to be removed, such as separated crusts - the whole beans go to work.

  • Now let's start getting milk from soy. Pour a third of the soaked beans into the blender bowl. Pour in 1/2 liter of clean water. Close the bowl and grind the beans with water at high speed for about 2 minutes. As a result, we get a foamy mixture of white color, about 2 times more than the original volume.
  • We place a fine sieve over a large saucepan and pour the suspension obtained in the mixer onto the sieve. Slowly mix the soy mixture in the sieve with a silicone spatula, allowing the liquid to drain into the pan - until a paste-like mass remains on the sieve - soybean cake, and some soy milk in the pan.
  • The soybean cake remaining on the sieve is sent back to the mixer bowl, then again add 1/2 liter of water. Mix this portion of soy with water again - again 2 minutes.

  • The resulting soy mixture is again poured onto a sieve installed above the pan, and repeat the previous steps again: slowly stirring the mixture with a silicone spatula, we separate the soy milk from the cake that remains on the mesh. This mass is more liquid and finer than the previous one, it is easier to filter through a sieve, but in the end, a certain amount of soybean cake still remains on the grid.
  • We send it to the blender for the third time. Add the same amount of water again and mix at high speed for 2 minutes. The resulting suspension is filtered through a sieve over a saucepan, in which a decent amount of aromatic soy milk has already collected.
  • We put the spent cake in a bowl covered with four-layer gauze in order to squeeze out the remaining liquid from it later. We put the spent cake aside, and we ourselves begin to process the remaining two parts of soybeans, repeating the same steps: mix each part three times with a mixer for 2 minutes, adding half a liter of water each time, and then filtering through a sieve into a saucepan.

Squeezing out the remaining liquid (soy milk) from the cake, we get okarabase for cooking soy meat
  • We collect the final cake from all three parts in a bowl covered with gauze. We squeeze it manually through cheesecloth over a bowl - we get about 0.5 more liters of soy milk, which is also sent to a large saucepan.
  • In general, the cake itself, which remains during the manufacture of soy milk, is called okara. It is not thrown away, since it is from it that the well-known soy meat is made. This is a great protein product - a meat substitute in a vegetarian diet. So, we have completely processed half a kilo of dry soybeans. As a result, we got about 4 liters of soy milk and 600-700 g of okara.
  • Place a saucepan with soy milk on the fire and heat it up. Soy milk should be heated over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, as it can burn. Avoid burning - this will spoil the taste of the final product.

  • When soy milk is heated, foam collects on its surface, which must be removed using a small sieve or a slotted spoon.
  • While the milk is heating, prepare the coagulant: mix half a liter of water with 3 teaspoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of vinegar.
  • When the soy milk begins to boil (almost!), we, constantly stirring it with a spatula, gradually, in parts, pour the coagulant into it: first half, and then after a couple of minutes of heating and stirring, another half.

  • Further, continuing to mix the contents of the pan, again bring it almost to a boil. The principle of making tofu cheese from soy milk is very similar to making cottage cheese from regular milk: the more time you heat the milk, the drier the curd will be. The same applies to tofu. If you want a tougher, firmer cheese, heat it longer, and if you want a softer tofu, bring the milk almost to a boil, remove from heat, cover and let stand for 20 minutes.
  • After the specified time, the curd is separated from the whey. We prepare a plastic mesh container with holes in the bottom by placing it in the sink and covering it with a piece of four-layer gauze, which must first be wetted and wrung out. Gathering a half-liter mug of liquid from the pan, pour it into a container on gauze.

  • When all the liquid from the pan is poured into the container, the whey will flow into the sink, and the cheese itself will remain in the container. We carefully wrap the edges of the gauze, covering the cheese with them, and place a second plastic container on top, which will serve as oppression. In this container for weight, you need to put something heavy - for example, 2-3 bags of cereals or beans. We leave all this homemade press in the sink until it cools completely.
  • After a few hours, when the cheese has cooled, we disassemble the entire structure, removing the oppression and removing the tofu wrapped in cheesecloth from the mold. As a result of all the work, we get the final product - a large round or rectangular piece of soy cheese, weighing about 1 kg 300 g. The density and exact weight will depend on how much liquid our homemade press removed from the tofu: the more cheese is under oppression, the it will be harder and denser.

Everything! We have an excellent protein vegetarian product ready. You can read about its properties from the material